hey there


it's Wednesday, November 13 and i HAVE IDEAS FOR HOW TO get over a creative slump.


But first, I am thrilled to share that mugs, tees and signed copies of my book, Big Dreams, Daily Joys are now available for sale. You can shop these new products right here



And now, let's talk about getting over a creative slump...much like the one that I fell into right after my book launched on October 8th.


Obviously a creative slump will look different to everyone - one woman's dry spell is another woman's oasis, and all that jazz - but for me, a creative slump is when I wrap up a big project or get bored with the one I am working on and find myself scrolling my phone for hours on end instead of feeling motivated for my hobbies.


My creative hobbies have changed a lot over the years but right now, I love to sew and knit. And yet, I haven't touched my sewing machine since early October or picked up my knitting needles in weeks. Don't worry though, thanks to this current creative slump, I know the life story of every mom of quadruplets on Instagram so that's...something.


So! What to do? How can we break the slump, stop the scroll and recover some creative energy? I want to share a few of the things I have tried before and will try again starting this afternoon.



Go through your craft drawer, bin, cupboard, closet, etc and look at every item critically. What can be recycled? Which pens dried out six years ago? Which fabric is no longer your style? What can you donate to your kids' school? What are you no longer excited to work with? What have you had for three years that you feel bad you never tried and it bums you out each time you see it? Clear everything out and then put back only the stuff you love (and think you'll really use).


BONUS: If you do the craft clear out and still don't feel inspired, that's okay! Move on to other areas of your home! Clear the pantry! Clear the junk drawer! Clear your closet! Clear that toiletry shelf in your bathroom! Worse case scenario, after all this, you still don't want to make anything but your life is more organized.



This will depend on the craft, but for me, as I try to get back into sewing or knitting projects, "something small" is sewing a button back onto a shirt or reattaching a belt loop to my favorite jeans. If you like to paint, something small might be playing with color combinations on pieces of scratch paper. If you like to write, something small might be a blog post (or a long Instagram caption). Small varies! But think about adding a few small projects together to build a bridge to your deeper creative adventures.



I usually fall into slumps because I picked the wrong project at the wrong time and I am now halfway through (or sometimes 90% through) and I am realizing it's not going to work out. That's a huge bummer. Sometimes I let the disappointment over one bad project choice zap my energy for all projects. Remember this: your creative, just-for-fun, projects should feel fun. You can quit that bummer of a painting or too small sweater and move on to something else.



I have seven skeins of yarn that have gone untouched for a few months and I am going to make a swatch today for the Ondawa sweater because it will be the perfect thing to work on over the next few weeks of travel and holidays. I am not interested in sewing any clothes right now, but the zipper recently broke on my toiletry bag I feel excited about making a dopp kit. The goal is to find something you are excited to make! It might be that item that's been on your list for five years. It might be something you just saw for the first time yesterday! The key is you feel excited to start right now.



Never underestimate how valuable it can be to shut off your social media platform of choice. The first time I took a break from Instagram in 2016 I sewed a shirt and it reignited my love of garment sewing. The second time I took a break from Instagram in 2019, I learned how to use Illustrator to draft a sewing pattern! That is legit bonkers. Inspiration does not come from scrolling. Inspiration comes from doing.



My longest creative slump lasted about six months and I finally started feeling hyped about making again after signing up for a pottery class. I was lucky to have a local studio but you don't need to go in person to something! Consider taking an online course! Or pick an interesting craft and watch free tutorials! (For knitting I would recommend Purl Soho's videos.) Remember, this new thing you pick up doesn't have to become your forever hobby! This new thing is just something you are trying for now to see if it clicks. We are not trying to change the direction of our lives! All we are trying to do is feel creatively active.




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