hey there





Hey. Hi. How are you?


How have your first 45 years of 2020 been? I am overwhelmed by the news. I am trying not to shut down. I am remembering that when things feel hopeless it's okay to do something (even something small) despite the fact that you can't do everything. (Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.)


I found this a useful resource for ways to help victims of the Australia wildfires. I am sure some of you are reading from Australia: I am sorry this is happening. I hope you are staying safe.


And here are ways to help our neighbors in Puerto Rico after the earthquakes the past few days. I am sure some of you are reading from Puerto Rico: I am sorry this is happening. I hope you are staying safe. 




I am also emailing because I want to check in. We spent so much of December reflecting and thinking and planning. And now it's January! The time for doing! How are those goals going?


IT'S OKAY IF YOU HAVEN'T STARTED. It's okay if your well-planned, perfectly articulated list of what you want to do in 2020 now is covered in a light layer of dust. I need you to release any and all guilt, take a deep breath and pick up that list again.


(If you dove into 2020 and your goals are moving right along, wonderful! You're doing it! Keep doing it!)


Okay. Now. What's the deal with your list? Do you actually care about the things on there? Were they too ambitious? Too boring? Too vague? Too time consuming? Too complicated? My guess is the answer to at least one of those questions is yes. Especially if it's a daily habit that you are struggling to start.


You might remember, I wanted to work on SEVEN habits on January 1. Six are doing okay! (I am LOVING having my phone in a drawer after 5pm. Every morning, I "catch up" on my scrolling and find myself thinking "That was it? What was that?")


But I haven't been for a run (I wanted more cardio in 2020 which I decided would be running twice a week.) I could blame my schedule (I was traveling last weekend). I could blame my work (these first few weeks of January are my busiest). That might make me feel better! But it's garbage. The reality is RIGHT NOW it's not something I have any desire to schedule into the middle of my day. And my mornings I want to sleep. And my evenings I want to be home with Paul and the girls. So. FOR NOW... "running" is off the list and my habit tracker has been turned into scratch paper.


Feels good, not going to lie.


You can do this, too. You can let go of a plan if it's not right for right now. You can instead, pick a brand new goal. Or decide to focus on another goal from your list. Or you can wait until a new idea comes along. Or you can plan to check back in a few weeks to see what you want to work on.


You can also shrink a goal. You can clarify a goal. You can simplify a goal. You can broaden a goal. You get to be the boss! You get to decide as often as you want what is going to make the most sense for you


No matter what though, don't let last month's plan ruin what you're up to now. Take charge! Adjust. Pivot. Let go. Restart.


ANd, of course, Keep hanging in.





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