Day 1 | March 22


How do you feel 
right now? 

How do you want to feel at the end of this 30-day journey?



Hey love,


Fun fact: Over 13,000 people from 75 countries have signed up to participate in this journey. So while many of us may feel isolated in our homes right now, I find it comforting to know that we're in this together. So thank you for being hereā€”and for starting your journaling adventure with me today :) 

Your invitation for today:

Start by tuning into your feelings. Pull out your journal and complete the following sentences:

I feel . . . 

I want to feel . . . 

To feel this way, I will . . . 

This a practice I use every morning to get present to my current state, while also anchoring into and creating the conditions for my desired state. 

Next, set an intention for how you want to feel when our journey completes. Return to your journal and complete the following sentences:

At the end of this journey, I want to feel . . . 

To feel this way, I will . . . 

Journaling Pro Tip: 

Whatever you're feeling 
is valid and okay.


If you have questions about getting started, head to the FAQ for more tips & tricks.


p.s. If you want to share your journaling journey and find others, use the hashtag #JournalYourFeelings
