April 2020

Change can happen in an instant - to a family, a friend, a life, a world. Only a month ago, we were mapping out a year's worth of events at the sanctuary. We were busy inside the classrooms, sharing our programming with eager public school children. We had a full line up of corporate work days planned at the property and multiple senior citizen "lunch & learns" scheduled throughout Fairfield County. We had found our stride and were over the top excited about 2020. And then our hearts broke as the global pandemic took root and - like so many others – we found ourselves quickly adjusting to whatever this "new" normal would be. So, we turned to our mission, the one constant in an environment of change: 


"The sanctuary enriches the lives of all beings by promoting compassion and acceptance. By honoring the bond between animals, humans & the environment, we’re creating a kinder and gentler world for all." 


During this unprecedented time of a world turned upside down, we are finding our new footing by looking to nature for guiding cues: staying rooted in integrity and strength; appreciating the earth beneath our feet and the sky above our heads; listening to the pulse of life that radiates from every direction, and in this we are learning the word "sanctuary" has taken on new meaning and become very personal for so many. Every single day we maintain steadfast focus so no one feels alone, secure in the knowledge that we are all connected by a greater story of love and compassion. 


Today, I humbly share all the amazing progress we've made in only a few short weeks. I smile in knowing we have found our stride and are making a difference for so many and raising hearts during this difficult and confusing time. Thank you for your continued support and know we're with you every step of the way. 



Jenny Hubbard

Watch Jenny's Message


What people are saying...


"Your mailing today was heartwarming and continues to maintain the high standard of communication we’ve come to expect from CVH messaging. Reliable old activities as well as original new ones keep the publication lively and evolving as you continue to address current challenges. Cheers from Martha’s Vineyard" - Eleanor


"I live at a Senior Housing complex in Greenwich and received a bag of dog food from your organization yesterday. What a wonderful gift! My dog is an emotional support animal who I love beyond measure. He helps me in ways no one could ever imagine." - Donna



Tony Hwang, CT State Senator


"These programs are so great, I can hardly wait to get started and I’m - ahem - 64 & 5/6 years old with nary a child in sight. For those of us who suffer with sever plant ignorance (same for birds... sigh), I love this idea for my own learning. Never too old, right?" 

- Diana from Kansas.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support the CVH Animal Sanctuary during this time. 


From our sanctuary to yours, 

please stay safe and be well!
