God brought me all the way back to Michigan 2 years ago for isolation, pruning, growing and intimacy with Him. If you knew me then and know me know, obviously I'm a lot different. I surrendered what I thought I knew about a relationship with Christ (30 years as a comfortable Christ follower, sinning over the same things over and over) and allowed God to do WHATEVER was necessary for me to truly be ALL that's He's created me to be. 

I gave it all away, everything I was working toward. And it waschallenging at first because I was so  pressed about "how long" it would take, me thinking I was perfectly fine/PRIDE, and not wanting to lose everything I had built my life on up until that point. A career in Hollywood, big deal partnerships for Singles & The City, goals and dreams that were so carnal I'm ashamed to even mention them. In surrendering what I thought was best for me, God filled my life with things I didn't even know to ask for, or things I thought I needed. I know with every fiber of my being that I was rescued from my own demise. And for that, I am eternally grateful to Jesus for saving me, spiritually and naturally. 


I said all that to say, I know why I'm here. I know exactly what I'm called to do with the influence He's given me. While it would be great to chat about singleness and how to create a plan for entrepreneurship during the upcoming financial crisis - that's not the day we're living in. 


I have no intention to be the bearer of bad news...but I've got to share the knowledge, revelation and understanding that I'm getting so that you are PREPARED for what's to come.  I love you too much. I believe blessed days are ahead of us - but I also know and understand that God will only spare HIS children, as we are at the end of time and He's soon to return/the Rapture. If you want to be His child - there's no other way than to repent and stop with the comfortable Christianity. Stop with the laziness and stop thinking God is going to give you a pass because you said the Sinner's Prayer. You can't live, act and think like an non-Believer and not expect God to JUDGE you like a non-Believer. This is all or nothing folks. 


For those of you seeking MORE, more understanding, more revelation, a closer and more tangible relationship with Christ - you've got to go beyond your current understanding. That's where my journey started 2 years ago. I believe God blessed me with a hunger and thirst for revelation beyond what American Pastors and televangelists were teaching because I wanted RESULTS, and I wanted to do whatever it took to ensure I was God's child.  Yes, He removed most of all my friendships. He physically moved me to a different state. He plucked and planted me into a place where I could grow and flourish!Are you willing to allow Him to pluck and plant you?


I've been blessed to share some of the resources to a few of you over the past 2 years, and I know you've been just as blessed and empowered as I have been!  I'd rather you at least have the information and think I'm "super spiritual" than to selfishly keep it to myself. As always allow Jesus Christ to lead you in understanding. Pray AND WAIT for His direction before all things. 


Below is one of many videos/resources I'm going to start sharing with you as God leads. Rod Pickens is a humble man of God that has shared some POWERFUL dreams and revelations. This one is about what's going on right now and how to get ready for the Lord. 


