Hello {{ subscriber.firstName }}, 

Some days I think I could sit down and write a book to you.  And then again, I am just so overwhelmed that I can't even think what to write about.  You are all in my thoughts and continual prayers during this trying time.  

This past week, I've been concentrating on Peace in the Word of God.  If you do a word search you will find that peace occurs multiple times throughout God's Word.  Some of my favorite verses this week are these:

Are you dissatisfied, anxious, fearful, frustrated, maybe everything mixed into one?  I'm reminded that in so being I am actually worldly minded.  However, when I put my rest in Jesus and find comfort and satisfaction from His Word, then my Spirit is calmed and I have peace in my soul.  At the beginning of this year the Lord impressed the word REST on my heart and I know now that was not an accident.  He knew what was coming and He knew I needed to be reminded to rest in Him, to be Still, to let God's peace rule my heart.  My study on peace and rest continues.  What a glorious day when we come to complete rest and peace in Jesus when we meet Him face to face. 

Thanks to all who have replied to me.  I love hearing from you.  Keep on focusing on Jesus, our only hope. 

Blessings to all of you,

