Did you know that 40 to 60 million Americans are affected by allergies and a growing number of these are children?
The symptoms can bring misery: excessive sneezing, itchy & watery eyes, headaches, clogged sinuses, and headaches. For some, it can be even more severe and leave them feeling unable to catch their breath.
When spring allergy the season arrives and so we start our protocols with powerful essential oils and supplements now in order to help avoid the clogged sinuses, runny nose, itchy red and watery eyes later.
What is an allergic reaction anyway?
Our immune systems think that an allergen, a harmless the substance is an invader so it overreacts and produces Immunoglobulin E antibodies that travel to cells that release histamine and other chemicals. This is an allergic reaction. Common causes of allergies have been around for thousands of years, yet we still have an increase in allergies.
One theory behind this rise has to do with inflammation in the body which is the cause of most diseases. Be honest, how many of us always eat correctly, get enough sleep, exercise, and manage stress well? When inflammation is present in the body, an allergen can cause an overly worked immune system to go into overdrive.
One of the incredible benefits of essential oils is for their ability to fight inflammation and boost the immune system. doTERRA's beyond pure essential oils can help detoxify the body, help ward off seasonal threats and clear the air in your home of microorganisms and harmful toxins. Essential oils can even help open the airways, clear the sinuses, and offer relief when it's needed most.
Allergy Protocol:
1. Eliminate Sugar & Dairy- Eat Healthy Food:
Try your best to stay away from processed sugar during allergy season. It’s definitely not easy, but sugar depletes your immune system and is the number one cause of inflammation in the body! People also find relief in limiting foods that cause mucous production, such as conventional dairy products and gluten. Focus on nutrient-rich proteins, fresh fruits, and veggies, drink bone broth, and plenty of clean water.
2. Take Buffered Vitamin C daily:
Most of the Vitamin C that is found on the market is full of sugar (remember what I said about sugar?). Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and protects your cells from damage, reduces the severity of allergic reactions and helps your body to fight infections. When taken during allergy season, it can slow down the overreaction of your body to environmental triggers by decreasing your body's histamine production.
I love Nutritional Frontiers Brand Buffered C. You can purchase here: Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C . If your kids can’t swallow capsules, this liquid form is also great! Liquid Vitamin C
3. Take TriEase Softgels internally:
TriEase Softgels combine three of the most potent essential oils for support of healthy respiratory and protection against seasonal threats. These won't leave you feeling drowsy but make sure to take these with food.
4. Take High-Quality Vitamins Daily:
I really truly love dōTERRA’s Life Long Vitality vitamins. If you haven’t started taking them yet, I highly suggest looking into them. They are the best vitamins that you can find on the market while getting the most bang for your buck.
They are whole food, plant-based, packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body NEEDS on a daily basis to thrive and keep your immune system boosted. They are our #1 best-selling product for a reason and you will thank me once you start taking them and notice the difference. You'll have more energy, a decrease in aches and pains, more mental clarity, and much more. There is also a great children's chewable vitamin by dōTERRA!
5. Take a High-Quality Probiotic:
According to Science Daily, new research shows that probiotics help reduce the symptoms of hay fever if taken during allergy season. dōTERRA offers a great adult as well as children’s probiotic that we take daily - PB Assist and PB Assist Junior!
6. Use doTERRA Essential Oils:
Research has proven that essential oils can help keep those seasonal and environmental threats at bay!
Here are some easy allergy roller for daily use and easy application.
Allergy Roller blend:
· 10ml roller bottle:
· 10 drops lavender
· 10 drops lemon
· 10 drops peppermint
· fill with Fractionated Coconut oil
Use this topically down the spine, across the chest and even on the feet.
Peppermint oil can oftentimes immediately help open the sinuses and if taken and pressed to the roof of the mouth, eliminate tickle that just can't be scratched.
Lemon oil can help cut through the overproduction of mucous and helps to boost the immune system. When diffused, it can eliminate allergy triggers in the air.
Lavender oil is "all things calming" and can help calm the body's response to those allergens.
Another trick that can be used when extremely congested is using a steaming mug of water with essential oils! It offers great relief quickly.
7. Diffuse Essential Oils:
Keeping the air in your home free of bacteria and viruses is paramount to your health. Diffuse your favorite oils daily to purify and cleanse the air as well as boost your immune system.
A few of my favorite diffuser recipes to use during the day is:
Easy Breathing Blend
· 4 drops Breathe Respiratory blend
· 2 drops Lime
· 2 drops Copaiba
Seasonal Allergy Support
· 2 drops Lavender
· 2 drops Peppermint
· 2 drops Lemon
· Amazing and safe for kiddos and small babies too!
8. Clean and Detox:
Deep clean your home with doTERRA's OnGuard Cleaner Concentrate and add in a few drops of Tea Tree (melaleuca oil) for its antimicrobial power. Ditch the toxic alternatives that can trigger allergic-type symptoms as well! Remember to change your bedding weekly.
9. Use Saline Rinses/Neti-Pot:
Keeping ahead of symptoms is key before they start. Saline rinses can help the nasal cavity from collecting excessive mucous which can lead to extreme pressure and discomfort. Adding rosemary or eucalyptus oil can really add a powerful cleansing boost to your rinse.