From our sanctuary to yours...



Last spring, we completed the apiary move: a project that enlisted the support of an entire colony, so to speak. Gifts from as far as California supported the construction of the enclosure and purchase of new hives. Friends arrived on a Saturday morning to spread chip for the apiary’s footing and by lunch, more friends pitched in with a truck; installation of the apiary fencing went well into evening; and, benches to keep the hives off the ground were donated and restored with love - all proving the saying, “Many hands make light work." For me, start to finish, the apiary installation was a reminder of the values the sanctuary was built upon...the very values that describe the essence of Catherine’s spirit: Compassion, Acceptance and Determination.

And now the bees are buzzing! Especially over the last week, I have loved seeing the bees do their thing while humans did their’s. It was busy at the sanctuary and yet the familiar comforting peace remained. Bees traveled back and forth from hives as people planted the future fruits and vegetable they will pollinate. And the best part? No one - NOT A SINGLE PERSON - swatted a curious bee. It was a glimpse into our long held vision of "the sanctuary" - a place where all creatures will know they are safe and humans are kind - just as Catherine would have wanted.

Jenny Hubbard


 Friends, we got you covered!

CVH Animal Sanctuary DIY - Sunrise Granola with Honey

Looking for a sweet and healthy treat to share with the entire family? Try this fantastic Sanctuary Sunrise Granola with Honey recipe! See step-by-step how to make this easy, crunchy delight from our sanctuary to yours.


 Animals, we got you covered!

Ask The Vet!

"What's the buzz on bee stings and our pets?"

Join Dr. Emily Andersen from our veterinary partner, Valley Veterinary Hospital, as she answers this week's question on what to do if your dog or cat gets stung by a bee. Do you have a question for the vet? Send it our way at


 Environment, we got you covered!

Mr. "T" Explores Honeybees!

Join the sanctuary's naturalist & educator, Mr. "T", (and the whole Mr. "T" family!) as they explore the world of honeybees! The sanctuary's apiary is the perfect spot to show how these amazing creatures work together. Get tips on bee keeping while learning all the ways you can "Bee Kind" to the bees and make a difference!


Mr. "T" Shares the Wonders of Native Bees 

Join Mr. "T" as he explores the wonders of native bees! Did you know there are over 4,000 different native bees in North America? Unfortunately, many are in decline and need our help. From bumblebees to carpenter bees, learn about the different types of native bees right in your own backyard and all the ways you can "Bee Kind" and aid in their survival.


 Inspiration, we got you covered!

"One can no more approach people without love than one can approach bees without care. Such is the quality of bees." 

– Leo Tolstoy

