Woman's Health & Empowered Living

We had a great turn out last night - thank you all for hopping on to continue the conversation and for those unable to here are the class notes:)


From my heart to your inbox, I saved

my best secrets for you.

Hello Lovelies:



Basics - Natural solutions for a healthy, empowered living.The question a lot of us may be asking ourselves is do we need/have access to safe, effective, and affordable health solutions?


The amazing part about DoTerra is they are providing us with a choice.  Either we can continue down the "modern approach" (i.e., only the last 80 years) or the "natural approach" (i.e., >3000 years).  The modern approach as we know it today is designed to manage symptoms, made from isolated synthetic agents, and there are known (and unknown) side effects.  Whereas the natural approach addresses the body's needs and root causes, it is extracted from plants, enhances physical and emotional health, and is safe - benefits without side effects!! The choice seems so obvious... ha!


Did you know our most powerful tool to reverse the global epidemic of chronic disease, heal the environment, reform politics, and revive economies is ... Food! 


We ARE what we put in, around, and on our bodies - detoxifying our lives is a huge step to being apart of the change :) ... OK. I diverge, ha!



The question we asked in class: 

On a scale of 1-10 (1=no unwanted symptoms, 10=out of control symptoms) 


How is your monthly cycle? 


If Peri or post-menopause, how are your symptoms?  


Are there areas of hormone balance that are difficult for you? (i.e., Hyper/Hypothyroid, mood swings, poor memory, adrenal fatigue, trouble sleeping, infertility, difficulty losing weight).


After you take the small steps to detoxify your life from the chemicals introduced into our lives ... the next step is to ensure we are getting the nutrients and supplements from the food we eat?  Remember what I said above .... chronic disease is now the single biggest threat to global economic development.  


Lifestyle-caused diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer now kill nearly 50 million people a year, more than twice as many from infectious disease ;) ... two billion people go to bed hungry and one in two Americans and one in four teenagers have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes!!!! ... 


ok, I diverge again (this is another area I am truly passionate about) ... all in all, the first step we can do is to start taking daily vitamins and supplements!!


Life-Long Vitality - they have the nutritional equivalent of 12 servings of fruit and vegetables in every serving.  Made from whole food sources, that means no fillers, just the food source, essential oils maximize support, and the omegas are in capsules which preserves their potency longer.


Gut Health is also foundational so a great probiotic is key - the gut plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being.  It is vital in everything from weight, immune function, and mental wellness.  What damages the gut health? Unhealthy diet, antibiotic use, lack of regular physical activity, poor sleep habits, and stress!A great kit to get started you can find here


Other oils we talked about:

Rose (Queen of oils)Apply over heart for emotional balance, boosts libido, promotes openness and confidence.  Apply to lower abdomen fro relief from menstrual discomfort and/or promote regular ovulation.


Clary Calm: Apply daily to the abdomen to aid with hormone balancing, heavy periods, PMS, cramps, hot flashes, and/or mood swings.The endocrine system is directly involved in growth and development, metabolism, nutrient regulator, and overall homeostasis.  A system of glands that produces and sends hormones to targeted organs and tissues via the circulatory system.  Essential oils can be very beneficial since they have circulated in the same way and profound benefit the cells they encounter in the process.

  • Care for your Liver - healthy liver function isn't eh underpinning of hormone balance.  Drink plenty of water with Lemon or Slim and Sassy essential oils.
  • Care for your Pancreas - take slim and sassy soft gels daily to support metabolism, regulate blood sugar, and release excess water.
  • Care for Adrenals - apply magnolia to adrenals twice daily, take 2 capsules of Mito 2 Max a day.
  • Care for Thyroid - the key to thyroid health - check your water intake, stress levels, and your nutrition. In a roller combine the following oils and a carrier oil (i.e., fractionated coconut oil (FCO)): 10 drops of Clove, Frankincense, and Lemongrass and top with FCO.

I created a "kit"  for any of you that want to get started with your hormonal health!  Also, message me if you want to have a personal consultation on how best to get you started on your natural health journey - the first step is always the hardest - but I know with all my heart you will forever be thankful that you did!

Would you like to get started? Click here  to request a sample or click here to start shopping.

Round table Discussion:

  1. If on social media - a great resource is @drmariza - start to follow her. I love her content and delivery. She is top-notch :) {hearts}  She is the author of the book I recommended above.
  2. For a boost in energy - I highly recommend the Life Long Vitality pack.  Another small step is adding 1-2 drops of a Citrus oil (i.e., Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, and/or Orange) in your water daily all day.  And then get hands-on a roller bottle to increase the health of your thyroid.  As well as some Peppermint to energize your mood.
  3. A great resource mentioned in regards to essential oils and pet safety - "Essential Oil Vet - Janet Roark."  Already started following :).
  4. I attached DIY Recipes I have attached one for deodorant, body lotion, sunscreen, and insect repellent.
  5. and lastly, Essential Oils are safe for all ages and is one of the class topics in the line-up for our Tuesday evening classes.


Doterra has 3 different offerings: 1) wellness products, 2) opportunity for those who want to share by building community connection and 3) the ability to be apart of a culture as a company to make a change in the world!    


When I say wellness products I mean two things - living life both free from illness but also full of energy and vitality and strength - that’s my mission as well as Doterra's.  It is a company designed to help the world (and I am very excited about their ability to provide these products to me).   


I feel more vitality and strength in my life every day by focusing on my holistic health: spiritually, physically, and emotionally.  

doTERRA has designed their approach, products, and education to highlight the following vitality lifestyle - 4 steps - eating, exercise, rest/manage stress, reduce load - 2 more about healthcare choices - being educated about options and proactive in using medical health care providers.


I can't tell you how excited I am to be apart of this conversation using just words and how much I look forward to connecting with like-minded people!  And ultimately how excited I am that you have decided to join in on the discussion! My use of essential oils and immersing myself in holistic health over the last 8plus years has given me the clarity and space to launch my business Integrated Being, LLC - www.integratedbeingllc.com


As an author and certified life coach, I’m on a mission to empower you to embrace self-care in your physical, emotional, and spiritual life. My guidance is simple, attainable, and designed to elevate your self-confidence by promoting a mindset shift.  Often considered incompatible, I recognize the desire for both success and peace in everyone I meet and I am driven to inspire all to discover that they truly can have both. I want to see you achieve both peace and success.


PS - share with your friends and family and let us do this together :)  The class next Tuesday - same time; same zoom link. Send me questions, contents as I prepare for next week's class.

More Resources from Integrated Being:



Where can I find more research?

More information in regards to the chemistry behind the essential oils and a start on the science breakdown:


Essential Oil Chemistry

Essential Oils Science Botany

Oil Properties Wheel


Take your google search outside DoTERRA - but this is a great start to tune in and then take your research where you want!




Modern Essentials Book


Lastly - get ready for an amazing self-discovery because once you read and become aware - you will start to be your own self-advocate and you will start feeling energetic, upbeat, and happier ;)


The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine - Book Referral

Selling Sickness - Book Referral


Articles/Websites -

If you found this information useful - please share and remember I will be hoping on-line 6pm on Tuesday.  


If you’re looking for the simple steps to set up your doTERRA account,

Click below to hop over to that page.

thank you for being a part of my life.

xo, Lizzie

