It's Caren here.

Dear Friend,

I hope you’re doing as well as can be in this weird time we’re living in. This email is going to be slightly different. I’ve typed and retyped this, and retyped a thousand times more. I’m going to let you see a part of me I usually try to keep separate from Caren Reads and I’m going to give you a technique called Shielding to cope with what’s been going on in the world.


As you know, as a psychic-medium and spiritual teacher I am and always will be neutral in what I receive from Spirit. But I am human after all; we all are and we can collectively feel the energy around us. Collective and Individual energy. It is so strong now that everyone of us can feel it, though not all can understand it or name it. I can feel the air tingling and thickening. For some of us, it’s figuratively hard to breathe. For others it’s literal and not just a figure of speech (whether it’s Covid-19 , or a deep rooted institutionalized racism…it’s there). This topic might make some people uncomfortable, and that’s okay, we’ll all be uncomfortable together. After all, isn’t that life? Uncomfortableness makes change.


I’m writing these words because they may help someone out there. You’re not alone! I see you there and I hold you within my heart. And even though I’m a professor, I’m not here to lecture. I’ve grappled with how to write this, where to start, where to end… These words are my truth, and I don’t speak for all Indigenous people, or people of color (POC).  I’m sure by know you’ve realized what I’m going to address. So I’m asking you to just listen. That’s the way to start any conversation. This is a glimpse into my soul. 


I’m 34 years old now, and all of my life I’ve known that the color of my skin influenced people’s preconceived notions of me. I’m adopted by a white Jewish family with two amazing parents that I look nothing like. The following examples happened in New York. These are only two out of the 34 years of my life.


When I was young (about 6) I walked into a store with my dad, proudly holding a quarter I received from the tooth fairy wanting to buy something. Well, there isn’t much you could get for a quarter, but I found a small dinosaur figurine I wanted to buy. So being 6, I picked it up and walked with it towards my dad who was at the front of the store. One of the people who worked there stopped me on my way  and accused me of stealing it.


I remember the words as clear as day: “Where do you think you’re going? You people always steal.” Little 6 year old me stood there clutching the dinosaur with my face burning. I put the dinosaur back, and followed the guy to the counter. My dad was surprised I didn’t find anything I wanted. I mumbled something about a dinosaur as the guy said “oh this is your daughter?!”. 


Once the guy realized who my dad was, nothing more was said. I think my dad knew something was up, so he got the dinosaur and bargained with the store to sell it to me for a quarter (it was worth more). I never told him what was said or the full story. So, he’s reading this for the first time. Thank you dad for standing up for me. You know what? I lost that dinosaur that very same week and felt much better.


Let’s step on the reel of time and fast forward a few years to when I was working on my Masters Degree and I opened a book in my university's library about Dr. Mengele and his inhumane experiments. Guess what? A concealed pamphlet promoting a Neo Nazi hate group fell out. Every single book in the library about the Holocaust on those shelves had one of those concealed inside. 


POC live with racism on a daily basis. Even if we’re not subjected to anything racist at the moment, it’s in the back of our minds when we interact with the world. We wake up knowing something like that could happen at any time because bias begets bias. I’ll admit I sometimes look around to see if I can see other POCs when I’m in a meeting or conference (groups in general). I feel safer when there are. That’s because there is safety in numbers. Numbers speak volumes and those volumes can be loud. Be there for other humans. Put your ego aside and try to just listen. Listening creates movement. Movement may start out small but grows into changes. A smile can brighten someones day. Be there for people. Help those who need it. Sometimes just standing in solidarity with someone saves their life figuratively and literally. People stood with me and I felt so uplifted during a time I wish never happened. Be kind and decent. We can do better. We will do better.


Now with no further ado, let me introduce you to the following technique that'll help you and others get through this time:



This is a technique you can use for yourself or you can protect others with it. It’s very simple, quick and you don’t need any tools. Ready?


In your mind’s eye, see yourself holding a shield, like the knights of old used to. Make this shield a nice indigo blue. Now, watch as that shield starts to expand, fully engulfing you in it. You’re surrounded by this shield. That’s it! Isn’t it lovely how simple that is to do? This shield will act as a barrier for negativity, and in some cases, may even make you “invisible”  (figuratively speaking of course) in a situation.  If you want to shield some one else, picture them with a shield and follow the exact same steps. This shield will need strengthening throughout the day, which you do by doing the visualization again. I love use this technique and find it very effective (both for others and myself).


I know this isn’t exactly the email you signed up to get. But I can’t stay silent. I will not. We can get through this together on this beautiful diverse planet. I hope Shielding helps you, and please know I hold you in strength, confidence and love.


xx, ~ Caren
