Monday, June 8, 2020


The Leaflet

a biweekly spotlight on the ideas

that will shape the future of constitutionalism


In this edition,  

1 new voice, 2 prizewinners, 3 most cited scholars, 

a 10-year anniversary, and a 20-year anniversary.





From the Director's Desk


It is on my heart to invite you to say with me, aloud, the name George Floyd, and to remember the names of the many others who have suffered his same senseless fate. I take comfort that his last words, “Please, I can’t breathe,” continue to echo today. I wish us all strength and courage in the march toward justice, peace, and reconciliation.




This week, the IFFC launches a new course on The State of Canada's Constitutional Democracy, featuring sessions on some of the most pressing subjects in Canadian public law. We also enter Week #4 in our inaugural course on Modern Challenges in Constitutionalism and Week #2 in our course on The Theory and Design of Constitutional Change. As always, I welcome your suggestions for collaborations and new programs.


Richard Albert


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Richard Albert

Richard Albert

Founder and Director


The mission of the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism is to marshal knowledge and experience to build a world of opportunity, liberty, and dignity for all.
