Monday, June 22, 2020

The Leaflet

a biweekly spotlight on the ideas

that will shape the future of constitutionalism 


In this edition, 

1 video interview, 1 video panel, 

1 new book, 1 old book, and 1 personal anniversary.





From the Director's Desk


In the weeks ahead, the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism will announce details for The Global Summit, a first-of-its-kind academic event for scholars of all ranks around the world to showcase their ideas, highlight their publications, and engage in rewarding intellectual exchange. 

For now, please save the date: January 19-23, 2021.


In this edition of The Leaflet, you will meet Julie Suk, Professor of Sociology and Political Science at the City University of New York. You will learn about the law faculty hiring process in a video panel featuring hiring chairs and new hires. You will also discover one new book and rediscover an old one. And finally, I share a personal 20-year anniversary. Where has the time gone?! As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions at


Richard Albert


A video interview with Julie Suk, 

author of "We the Women"


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Interested in becoming a law professor? 

Watch this expert panel to learn the basics.


Save the Date 

January 19-23, 2021

The Global Summit


A Personal Anniversary

20 years ago in 2000, I graduated from Yale University

Yes, that's me!

Richard Albert


Richard Albert

Founder and Director


The mission of the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism is to marshal knowledge and experience to build a world of opportunity, liberty, and dignity for all.
