Monday, July 6, 2020

The Leaflet

a biweekly spotlight on the ideas

that will shape the future of constitutionalism 


In this edition, 

5 most popular papers, 3 video interviews, and 1 new book.



From the Director's Desk


In a recent op-ed, I suggested that the language of inequality and exclusion embedded in the United States Constitution impedes social progress:


"The United States Constitution protects rights and liberties, but its own language undermines the promise of equality it proclaims. Its gendered and racist words have no place in any modern society."


Read the full piece here.




In this edition of The Leaflet, you will meet Stacy Douglas, Associate Professor at Carleton University, which is located in Ottawa, my hometown. You will also meet Jill Goldenziel, Associate Professor at Marine Corps University. You will discover the Top 5 most popular papers in constitutionalism. You will get a sneak peak at a forthcoming book. And you will take a journey back to the year 2012, when United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stirred some controversy in an interview while in Egypt. 


As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions at


Richard Albert


A video interview with Jill Goldenziel, 

Associate Professor at Marine Corps University


"Canada's Frozen Constitution," 

the subject of my public lecture this week on July 9. 

Free to all, and all are welcome! Register here.


The Most Popular Papers on Constitutionalism


All-Time top 5





total downloads

on ssrn





As of 07/03/20




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A video interview with Stacy Douglas, 

Associate Professor at Carleton University


Save the (new) Date 

January 12-16, 2021

The Global Summit


On her visit to Egypt in 2012, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg offered some advice to constitutional designers: "I would not look to the US Constitution, if I were drafting a (modern) constitution." Where would she look instead? To Canada and South Africa. Watch the short video for more.


Richard Albert


Richard Albert

Founder and Director


The mission of the International Forum on the Future of Constitutionalism is to marshal knowledge and experience to build a world of opportunity, liberty, and dignity for all.
