July 2020 | Issue No 2


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Good morning to you! I'm so happy to share my second newsletter with you. I’m thrilled that you’re interested in hearing from me and can’t wait to share more with you here. 


 As you drive along most any road near Downtown Albuquerque, you’ll surely notice the colorful murals adorning many of the building walls. In Albuquerque, art is a way of life. In every form imaginable, the artists of the city communicate their journeys, hopes, dreams and experiences for the world to see. The murals have been an integral part of the landscape of the city for some time. With the establishment of Albuquerque Mural Fest in 2017, this art form has taken a step forward as a focus in beautifying our city, as well as often conveying political or sentimental statements. I took a little mural viewing journey recently. Here are a few of the beautiful works of art I saw along the way…



Many businesses in Downtown and Nob Hill have capitalized on this marriage of form & function, beautifying their outside space, bringing awareness & proudly giving the city's artists a public platform. The next two photos are highlights from a much larger piece at Kei &Molly Textiles at 4400 Silver Ave SE. 


For more information & a comprehensive compilation of designs, check out MurosABQ & plan your very own mural tour of Albuquerque. Many of the markets & gallery openings we would normally be enjoying this time of year have been postponed, cancelled or modified. This is a fun way to explore the city & get your art fix while social distancing. You may even find hidden gems in the way of restaurants, shops or neighborhoods along the way. 


As a Realtor, I feel that I know the city pretty well. It's always amazing to me that there are so many treasures hidden in plain view. I enjoy learning about new places & sights & sharing them with friends & clients. As Albuquerque continues to face challenges in the ongoing & ever-changing wake of our new reality, so does the world of Real Estate. We have had to take many extra precautions & modify some of our old ways of conducting business. However, the Real Estate market here remains very strong. We are facing a shortage of homes for sale & an abundance of eager buyers. If you have been considering selling your home, now is the time! Please reach out to me if you (or someone you know) are looking to buy or sell a home...I'd love to guide you in your journey. 
