Week 1 of Camp Awesomesauce is complete! If only they woke up this early and this eager for school...


Recap of Week 1



What worked: The highlight of camp which will probably be challenging to “replicate” depending on your family’s schedule is the morning exploration rangers activity we do every morning. As tough as it is to wake up early, I was surprised by their eagerness to head outside for the morning bike ride/run. I thought by thursday or friday the 6:30am enthusiastic wake up calls would have worn off but no, they really loved getting out early. It set the tone for the day while also allowing me to get a workout in. Also if work or weather threw me a curve ball (which it did on thursday and friday), I didn’t feel like they wasted the day away playing at home with no physical activity. Also hits: cooking class with freshmade (we’re big fans) and free time (sans screens). Free time was a struggle for winter on Monday but by Wednesday they knew I wasn’t playing when I meant no screens. Legos started to make more of an appearance than before.


What didn’t work: We had to forgo steady buckets basketball workouts because they were for outdoor workout (need to have the ability to at least dribble a ball which we couldn’t out of respect to our neighbors below us). Our closest basketball court still doesn’t have their hoops installed so I either let them continue coding on their own after class or we use it to get ready / changed to go back outside. The girls didn’t get enough reading in so I feel like I need to amp up that program for them. Winter’s school released summer work so that will need to be incorporated as well as typing and piano lessons. I’m thinking i’ll phase them in 2 weeks or so. The parkour class we took they didn’t latch onto. I think it was the instructor not being engaging. This can be a total symptom of remote learning + teacher personality- some teachers are better in person. Some have that naturally engaging personality that translates even over video.


What sort of worked: Me working outside. Three times i took my laptop out to work while they played (at the splash pad and on the playground). On both occasions I tried to stress that they were totally free to play but I couldn’t come at every beck and call. There were a few “mom I need a push on the swing to get started!” requests that I did not fulfill.  Also - the camper journal. I love it but the checklist of must-dos everyday barely got used so I redesigned it. I pushed for theme-ing out the weeks but you don't need that either. Updated parent journal also included below.


Highlights on tap for Week 2


I've Updated your downloads!


Because this camp is done in real time, I will continually update or trim down content.  Here's our schedule going into week 2. scroll down for a downloadable guide 

The camper journal is half page booklet sized. Just print at 100% on letter sized paper, double-sided, then fold in half and you're good to go. To keep it secure, you can staple in the middle fold. 


For the parent guide - I ditched the theme page and listed out resources I use for booking online classes.

and I'd love to hear from you


Anything working, not working? would love to hear from you.

We're all in this together!


psst...what you might have

missed on instagram


Stay tuned for more next week, my friend. Until then, follow me 
on instagram where i'll post a lit bit of everything


