get off

your phone

Hi, Bobbilee here, back at it and here to help you get off your phone and play like we used to. So without further ado, welcome to the first edition of Lodged Out's first newsletter. It'll be clean and simple with only 4ish suggestions per email. I may call it something clever - also unsure it needs a name?




First off, wow, times have changed. Cheers to being on the path of "What Lodged Out is" and what it isn't in this time of unrest. We've had time to think as all of our private and public retreats have been postponed indefinitely. And yes, I'll pass on doing any sort of online "summer camp" gathering because we exist to get you off your phone, outside, and away.


Local travel with close friends and family is the new reality so here we are, let's have some fun. I'll be checking in once in awhile with: ways to unplug, old-fashioned lodges and remote places to check out, adventure ideas, road trip supplies, and travel diaries from folks like yourself.


Last thing, I'm prepping "unplugged weekend" guides for several large cities in the US, and taking on a few clients for private unplugged and remote trip planning (reply for more info).


alright, get after it


