Weekly Newsletter

July 2020 vol. 4


The Art & Science of  Finishing Beef on Grass


Without the concentrated calories of grains (corn) finishing beef on grass requires good genetics. And doing it on poor forage requires great genetics.  Planting summer annuals that are high In sugars (like Johnson grass or sorghum/sudan) help a lot, but it’s hard to overcome poor genetics.  Unfortunately genetic selection for grass finishing has been neglected in favor of large frames and fast growth on grains - for the feedlots and meat packing industry.  As I am still learning, I only have a few animals that I’m proud of. And this little cutie is my favorite.  Look at that basketball of fat in her brisket, and those round balls of fat at her trailhead.  That is what you look for to judge fat content.  I’m hoping she delivers me a female next time so I can build my herd with her genetics.


- John Pantalone


We had another new calf born this Sunday.




Graduated another batch of broilers to the chicken tractor today. Notice how they instinctively know to start looking for bugs. We now have two batches of 100 on pasture. The heat is brutal (103 F) so we have to mist with water periodically.





This years hay crop was pathetic. I was only able to harvest half of what I need to get through the winter (assuming it ever rains again)! Here I am loading up on some hay to supplement what I produced on the farm. Cows sure are expensive! But on the bright side, I’m importing organic matter to help feed the soil. 




Amber Oaks Ranch is once again raising Organic Free-Range Turkeys for your Thanksgiving celebration. Home grown on our farm, processed locally, and deliver to you fresh (never frozen) the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. 


Supplies are limited and a deposit is required to hold your order. Call, email, or click the link below to place your order now.


This Week's Markets


Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
