Hey Y’all!


I'm so excited to share this news with you. 


The first ebook of The Laramie Harper Chronicles, Dying in Dallas, is available on Amazon!


The plan was to release it on August first, but Amazon said it could take up to seventy-two hours to go live, so I uploaded it last night. It was available on both the US and UK sites within a couple of hours.


I’m rolling with it! I dropped the price of the ebook to .99 cents and am sharing it to my email list (you amazing party animals!) today and I will share it on Facebook tomorrow. On Saturday the ebook price will go up to $4.99, so if you want it, jump on this deal within the next two days. Unfortunately, the paperback isn’t up yet, but I hope that it will be available for order on August first. If it goes up before then, I will try to have a quick fire sale on it, too.


Use these buttons for your respective stores. If you search for Dying in Dallas, all of J.D. Robb’s (Nora Roberts) Eve Dallas books come up instead.



I've also enrolled Dying in Dallas in Kindle Unlimited, so if you are a subscriber, it is available to you for zero extra dollars—or euros, or pounds, or. . .you get the picture.


I want to take a moment to tell you how much I’ve appreciated each and every of message of encouragement and support I’ve received over the last couple of months. You know who you are. They meant the world to me and kept me going.


Thank you for being a part of this journey.



Beware of bumpies,


J. C. Keough
