God is God.
Well, that first way of understanding our verse demotes God to our cosmic errand boy. We’re the ones in control, not him. We decide what’s best in any given situation, not him. However, that view of this verse disregards the rest of the Bible. It’s clearly God’s prerogative, as God over everything, to do as he sees fit. This prerogative works in total unity with the rest of his "Godness"—with his perfect goodness, his knowledge of all things, his love for his people, and his plan of redemption. All throughout the Bible we're told to trust in the Lord, to follow his leading, and he will work all things together for good. The short of it then is this: when we consider this verse, we should humbly understand that our mustard seed faith is IN GOD. It is trusting in him and his good ways. He’s the Mountain Mover. Not us. We can’t just run around willy nilly claiming this verse for our lives and expecting God to jump through hoops for us. He simply doesn’t work that way. And, here’s a reality check for those of us who think this is bogus: we are in no way equipped to make those kinds of decisions for the good of the universe anyway.
God works miracles.
Thomas Jefferson famously made his own Bible, in which he cut out all of Jesus’ miracles. Evidently, he presupposed that there were no such things as miracles, and therefore those parts of the Bible couldn’t be true. But, lest we judge to quickly, don’t so many of us “enlightened” modern people still struggle to believe that Jesus walked on water, multiplied fish and bread, raised the dead, or healed a demon-possessed boy (as he does in the context of our verse)? This leads us to the other misunderstanding of our verse. We want Jesus, but just a tamer, more civilized version, one without those crazy miracles. This whole mountain moving situation must be figurative. But, if that's the case, so is the rest of the Bible. Jesus couldn’t have truly risen from the grave, and he didn’t actually ascend into heaven either, where he isn’t sitting right now with the Father. This line of thinking makes everything symbolic. But, the Bible itself doesn’t allow for that. Paul says to those who would make the Bible merely a nice moral story, “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins." (1 Cor. 15:17)
So, what do we know?
We do know that we have this amazing, trustworthy, loving God who understands everything and holds everything together. And, that same God tells us to put our faith IN HIM, even our teeniest tiniest faith, and he will do big things. He is beyond capable. He stepped into time for us, went to the cross for us, lives in the hearts of his followers, whispering his love and guidance to us. Now, that is miraculous. He is the Mountain Mover. That's what we can know. He is a God we can trust. Period.
So, I'm putting my mustard seed in his hands.