Edition No. 2 | December 2020

With deep

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Image by Nneka Njoku © 2020.

Hello again!


It’s been a while! Thank you for welcoming me back after such a long hiatus. A special thanks to those of you who have been asking when the next one will come. Here it is! Starting now, I commit to sending more consistent emails- at least one a month.  Now that's been addressed, let's get started :)


I think it's safe to say that we have all been experiencing a plethora of internal and external changes since we last spoke in June. These changes have resulted in a massive amount of personal growth and expansion. It hasn’t always felt easy but it’s always been worth it. 


To catch you up on what’s going on with me, I’ve been letting go of A WHOLE LOT. I have released friends, outdated expectations from familial relationships, left my job late last month, graduated from a graphic design program, deleted my Instagram account (you can find my new IG here & new Twitter account here); I released old pictures, ancestral relationships, irrelevant phone numbers, clothing, outdated & upsettingly low standards on how I expect to be treated and nurtured by loved ones, bank accounts, habits... the list continues.


As I continue to release and shift these items, people, and energetic ties, what I have found is more of my true self rising to the surface. With room for what has always been there to take up more space, I have discovered a new found love and acceptance for myself that I know will only keep growing. It’s just the beginning :)


What have you learned and let go of since June? How have you grown since then? Have you celebrated this growth & release?


As we continue to purge what no longer serves, slowly shift and grow into the new, authentic version of ourselves, and walk into a whole new planetary Age of Aquarius, it is natural for grief to arise. Trust me, I have cried many a tear over these past months since we spoke.


Knowing that grief is normal and part of the process of letting go, how can we continue to show compassion to ourselves and receive help from the things & ones we love? What or who are you grieving at this time?


Especially now during the holiday season, grief is a common guest at the table and one that is so often ignored during the conversation. Some of us have experienced a loss of a loved one (including our furry loves!) this year. Some of us may know & love someone who has. Some of us are still grieving the old ways of life- the days when the word “zoom” primarily meant moving very quickly, physical touch & presence were just a mundane part of life, and face masks were simply a part of a Sunday self care routine. Whatever you are grieving, there is no hierarchy.  Loss is loss no matter what it is. Period. In addition, if no one has said this to you, allow me: you are loved, held, and supported through the process, even if your current experiences don't seem to reflect that truth.


If you are seeking support during this time, here is a list of resources (further down the linked page) that may help. If any of you know of other organizations, resource pages, people, spaces, rituals, etc. that have helped you or others, please feel free to email me at hello@bynneka.com and I will be happy to send another email with a compiled list to the community.


I feel it is imperative that we acknowledge all the things we grieve during this time, as well as celebrate the newness that is upon us with this new Age and holiday winter season. I invite you to take 3 deep breaths with me in honor of all the things and people that we feel we have lost: …..………..…………………..…………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………………………………

check in with your body?


While contemplating the deaths of those I knew and loved, it was shown to me that another beautiful way to honor them (and all we feel we have lost) is to deepen our relationship with life. Reading The Untethered Soul*** by Michael A. Singer helped me remember this simple truth.  He writes:


“You really don't need more time before death; what you need is more depth of experience during the time you're given.  That's the way to live each moment of your life.  You let it fill you completely.  You let it touch you to the depths of your being.”


How do you feel after reading the above?  In what small ways can you deepen your experience with life? What would you do if you knew you only had a month left with this body? A week?  How do you honor things lost & released? How do you honor loved ones who have transitioned this year or years prior? 


I believe that by committing to strengthening our dance with life, we open ourselves up to receive more love, joy, vitality, and peace. Once we can receive those energies more intimately, we are better equipped to embody them and build a new age that gives us more room to dance.


More on dreaming and building a new world to come...


As always, I would love to hear from you regarding the contemplation prompts or about anything going on with you. Also, feel free to forward this email to anyone you feel may benefit from it and invite them to subscribe. Thank you for your time, I don’t take it for granted. Happy Holidays. Talk again soon. 


***The link to this book is a Bookshop.org affiliate link meaning I earn a percentage (10%) of sales made via the link, but it doesn’t cost you anything extra!



Until next time,




This is your age. This is your time. Claim it. Revel in it. Revel in the beauty that you are.


In honor of my mother.
