Hello, friends!


I’ve decided to rename the Washi pattern, which we recently re-released in a new size range. The fact that the pattern has recently undergone a big transition and the fact that we are working on printing it soon makes this change seem timely. Renaming the Washi pattern is something I realize could potentially cause some confusion, so I want to communicate about this process clearly and with openness.


Like many of you, I’ve felt challenged in recent years and months to do more listening and learning surrounding anti-racism, and part of this has been examining my own role in perpetuating white supremacy. Cultural appropriation is one aspect of white supremacy and  in learning more about it, I felt compelled to examine why I was using a Japanese word (“washi” - which means “Japanese paper”) to name a pattern. I am not Japanese, nor do I have a meaningful connection to Japanese culture.


Using a Japanese word to name a pattern which I sell and profit from perpetuates cultural appropriation and I do not want to be a part of causing that kind of harm. I am sorry for using this word and to those it may have offended, for not initially considering the impact its use might have on those of Japanese heritage when I chose it, and for not correcting this sooner. I care deeply about righting this wrong. 



The Washi Pattern will now be called the Trillium Pattern. The #washidress tag will now be #mbrtrillium, and I would really appreciate that you support this decision by updating any hashtags or links you’ve used to post about your creations, or when you post about your new makes with this pattern.
Please visit my blog via the link below to read more about why and how I made this decision and why I chose Trillium as the new name for this pattern. If you have questions or comments, feel free to comment on my blog post or email me directly (hit reply!).




Making one change is just that -- one change, and I hope to continuously and intentionally learn more, do better, and make more changes to dismantle white supremacy. 


Thank you for your continued support.



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