I pray that you and your family are safe, and in a blessed state of mind!
I just wanted to check in with you. I know the news reports and social media timelines can get overwhelming. If no one has told you this, I want to be the first to reassure you that it's okay, and even healthy, to take a digital break from all the noise.
It's okay to turn off the T.V. and tend to your needs. Whether it's simply to listen to your favorite music, or write - yes, with a pen and paper :-), or sit in silence to pray and meditate, recharging from so much overwhelm is more than necessary.
The pressure to constantly plug into the never-ending output of information, updates, and not to mention the impact of the current pandemic, can be draining and counterproductive to our overall health and well-being.
Take a break. It's okay. I'm giving you full and complete permission to log off from anything that will zap your energy. Close all the tabs that are not serving you spiritually and emotionally.
Here are a few things I enjoy doing when I'm logged off:
1 | Reading a few of my favorite physical books (ie. The Holy Quran, Bible, How To Eat To Live and a few magazines I've kept). True story: I accidentally swiped up on the page I was reading! LOL That's how I knew it was time to take a digital break! Reading physical books also helps ignite and strengthen the part of our brain that our smartphones and laptops cannot. It improves attention span and sparks imagination as we attempt to picture what is written. Reading physical books is relaxing and a great way to help the mind calm down before you sleep.
2 | Journaling. This has been a tremendous mental gift! Putting pen to paper is an incredible way to sort and process my thoughts and emotions. I feel relieved and relaxed afterwards, every single time I write. If I have a concern, I write about it. Doing this frees up more mental bandwidth for me to be productive in other areas. If you're having trouble falling asleep, write about what's on your mind and I promise you'll pass out in no time. Here's what I'm writing in!
3 | Listening to my collection of CDs and vinyl albums. Yes, I have to flip the records to 'Side B', and I love it! Listening to songs that bring me joy, that get me moving, are my highlight! It's amazing how much tension our bodies hold, so listening to music that makes you want to dance - and you actually get up and dance - will bring you immediate relief! I love good music, especially with live instruments; Jazz, Funk, Hip Hop and Classical music are my go-to's.
Question: How have you been spending your time Shelter-In-Place? Are you learning a new skill, a second language? Feel free to respond directly to this email!