Dear friend,

What's holding you back? What's stopping you from doing what you want to do? Time? Money? Energy? Pain? Not knowing where to start? Not believing you DESERVE what you want? I get it. Believe me, I get all of that. We can talk about that other stuff later, but let me just say, right here and right now, that you ARE worthy. You deserve everything you've ever wanted. You are amazing. And, I know, you might not feel amazing right now, but you are. Believe it. 


Have you read about this kid? Beautiful Nigerian ballet dancer, dancing in the rain earns scholarship to American Ballet Theatre summer intensive for himself and his teacher. This is the power of social media. As much as it gets a bad rap, there is always good news. Oh, and his teacher runs a dance school in his house and teaches FOR FREE. Dance on Anthony and don't ever let anyone tell you who you should be and what you can do. Link to the UpWorthy article:


What is yoga? Well, that's a great question. If we look to the Yoga Sutras for the answer, we learn that Yoga is the controlling of the fluctuations of the mind. Or controlling the "monkey mind." I think we can all agree that its not easy to steady our minds and let those monkeys rest before they wreck any more havoc. So the Sutras provide help. One such tip provides us with "keys" to open the "locks." The locks are things that get in the way of our peace and the keys will open the door to peace and serenity when applied to specific locks.

“By cultivating attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard toward the wicked, the mind-stuff retains its undisturbed calmness. 

-Sutra 1:33

The four locks are: happy people, unhappy people, virtuous people and wicked people. Encountering any of those types of people can disturb our peace. So what do we do? The sage Patanjali has the answer. When you encounter someone who is happy, be happy for them, be friendly towards them. It's easy to dissolve into jealousy when someone gets a raise or scores a goal, but jealousy will disrupt our serenity.


When we see someone who is unhappy, try compassion. We don't have to FEEL what the other person is feeling. It is not on us to absorb their unhappiness. Compassion is enough.


Notice the good deeds of others. Take delight in those deeds. Try not to attribute negative intention. Merely be happy when others show virtue.


Ah, the wicked. I think this is the most difficult to unlock. It's important to note that disregard is not the same as ignore. We shouldn't ignore wickedness in the world. But when we come in contact with someone who is wicked we can decide to either do something positive about it or become disturbed by it.


Now you have the keys to peace and happiness. I'd love to hear some examples of how you use them!

Here is about a 30 minute Pilates workout specifically targeting your low abs. The production quality leaves a lot to be desired and I didn't edit for content so this is what you get! This is not for those of you with any sort of back issue.


Videos are great if you want to watch for alignment or cues or to just see how an exercise is performed, but I would recommend a live, two way class for the best experience. That way the instructor can see your alignment and give cues based on what he/she sees and then you will get the best out of your workout. 


If you want to join me virtually this week, here are my complimentary offerings:

Monday 8/17 10:45 am CDT (35 minutes) Gentle Pilates and Stretch on Zoom

Wednesday 8/19 10:30 am CDT (20 minutes?) Chair Yoga for Neck and Shoulders, Facebook Live

Thursday 8/20 noon CDT (35 minutes) Intermediate Pilates Mat on Zoom

Zoom link

Meeting ID: 922 956 8910

Passcode: 384618


If you are local and interested in my in-person options, respond to this email and I will send you my class schedule at Yin Yang Pilates and Yoga. Or we can schedule a complimentary introduction to Pilates reformer at the studio.

I am at Scorched Earth Brewing Company in Algonquin on Saturday at 11:00 am. Email them at to reserve your spot.

I do have two virtual yoga class offering through Yin Yang - Thursday 7:00 am - 8:00 am and the first, third, and fifth Saturdays from 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Those classes can be purchased 10 for $70, 15 for $90 and 20 for $110.


If you aren't local and are interested in private/semi-private virtual sessions, let me know! I can do a complimentary consultation to see if we are right for working together.


Alright, that's all I've got for you this week. Send me any requests or suggestions and we will talk soon!

Peace and serenity to you amazing people,


If you are moved to donate so I can continue to share, you can do so with PayPal by clicking here.

or Venmo @Melissa-Capitano, or Zelle 414-232-3024
