When asked the question, of course I would say that I don't want my kids to grow up to be workaholics, feeling the need to always keep getting things done. I want them to have a good work ethic, but I also want them to know when it's time to set it aside and enjoy rest.
I want to be better at this because of my kids, for my kids. I want to see the value of rest, and that it can be productive in and of itself.
I want to be able to walk away from a few things undone so that I can enjoy my kids while they are still in my house.
I want to help them see the satisfaction of a job well done, and also the feeling of joy that comes in the rest afterwards.
I know this will not come easy to me, that I will have to intentionally think through this during my day as I'm going down that to-do list. But that's at the core isn't it? Intentionality.
This week, think through how you view work and productivity, rest and to-do lists. What kind of message are you passing on to others? That to-do lists are more important than relationships? That getting things done is more important than that rest that your body so needs? Or work and to-do lists are seen as boring and mundane and something to avoid at all costs?
How can we balance that out in our lives this week? To bring a healthy mix of 'getting-it-done' with 'taking it easy?'
We all have the same amount of time....what are you choosing to do with yours?