If you want to join me virtually this week, here are my complimentary offerings:
Thursday 8/27 noon CDT (35 minutes) Intermediate Pilates Mat on Zoom
Zoom link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9229568910?pwd=OE1Ndjh2UjdYQ3FHRDlkeGp5Qmg1Zz09
Meeting ID: 922 956 8910
Passcode: 384618
Friday 8/28 noon CDT (about 20 minutes) Pilates for the Booty on Facebook Live
If you are local and interested in my in-person options, respond to this email and I will send you my class schedule at Yin Yang Pilates and Yoga. Or we can schedule a complimentary introduction to Pilates reformer at the studio.
I do have two virtual yoga class offering through Yin Yang - Thursday 7:00 am - 8:00 am and the first, third, and fifth Saturdays from 10:30 am - 11:30 am. Those classes can be purchased 10 for $70, 15 for $90 and 20 for $110.
If you aren't local and are interested in private/semi-private virtual sessions, let me know! I can do a complimentary consultation to see if we are right for working together.
15 Day Virtual Yoga and Pilates Challenge with Me! (and some other instructors from Yin Yang Pilates and Yoga, lol, they are fabulous, you will love them too).
More info and registration available soon, but I can tell you this:
You will get access to 13 virtual Pilates or yoga classes in the 15 days
You get one 30 minute private virtual session with a trainer (oooh, pick me!) and the option to purchase additional discounted sessions
You will join an exclusive Facebook group where daily challenges will be presented
You will have someone to answer your questions and
hold you accountable for staying active and engaged
All that for $79!