The kids are back to school and that only means I've acquired a new job position besides all the other hats I am wearing (photographer, mom, wife…). HELP! LOL So far the kids are doing well (knock on wood) and hopefully we will keep up with the work until it is safe to go back to school for in person learning. We love our schools and we truly appreciate all the work they put in to make it as easy as possible for us, parents. It is so good to have nice people around us. Parents all over, stay strong.




I get asked this question a lot: after the newborn session, what other sessions should I book for my baby. So, to make it clear for everyone, I've decided to create a little list where you can see and choose the best milestone sessions I offer. 
Besides the yearly family sessions, your baby's big steps are so important to be photographed. Specially during the baby's first year, their growth is absolutely remarkable and pretty much every 3 months something big happens and should be documented. 



have a great back to school season!


Chris Dowd
