September 9th, 2020

hey y'all!** welcome to the unfolding, a monthly newsletter curated from the heart with reflections for you and I, events and gatherings, and gems to witness

thank you for being here and unfolding with me. ✨view past newsletters here.


big news

this month i'm thrilled to admit i'll be launching a campaign for a collective care fund to give two BIWoC/ first gen. folks access to four months of private coaching with ya girl. this fund was a collective care effort and is such a gift. stay on the lookout!




“you authentically show up… you truly connect and care… how do you do it?”

in the past 20 days, i've heard this in multiple ways. i thought about it and the answer is i don't do, i am. 


what i mean is i truly see myself, both in myself and others, which allows me to care and be. i stopped following other's footsteps and applying the “formulas”. instead, over and over i practiced allowing and trusting myself intimately, sensing what feels true, and listening as people who witnessed me affirmed my truth. 


what this tells me is we are looking to formulas, systems, procedures to ‘become’ something. the screwed up part is now more than ever we are told via social media who we are and what we need, when instead we need to allow ourselves and others who truly see us to be the mirror we need.

so how do we tap in?

we commit to radical moments of being present to ourselves, fully and intimately.

we commit to a continuous homecoming through self and collective care.

join any of my gatherings and this is at the heart of them, giving you that radical moment. when we are there, we authentically show up. we connect. we care. when we do it again and again, we become ourselves. that is what we all are looking for. you can find those moments yourself through that radical commitment.


Use these questions to tune into your reflection:

who truly sees me in a way that feels true? what do they see that feels like me?

am i seeing through myself or at myself?

what are some moments where i felt my energy fully connected to the world and received it back? who was i in those moments?


may your homecoming be magnificent. may this commitment be radical.


events & gatherings

radical moments to be present with ourselves and likehearted folks.

click on the titles to read more & register!


Connect & Cultivate: BIWoC empowerment circle 

Sat. Sept 12th, 1pm CT
a 75-minute softly guided circle for Black, Indigenous, &/or women of color to replenish, process, and honor the best version of themselves while sharing sistering energies.


 A Space to Interact: exploring uncertainty

Fri. Sept 18th, 11am CT
a 60-minute session that creates the space to reflect, connect, and tune into what is present for us, collectively and intimately.


Shift & Become: an inclusive discovery circle

Wed. Sept 23rd, 6:15p CT
a 75-minute guided wrestling with the wildness of the ever changing internal and external world, leaning on radical compassion and reflection to discover our becoming.



gems to witness

people, experiences, and words that i have loved

- exhale app - a free emotional wellbeing app for BIWoC by BIWoC with so much ‘soul medicine’: affirmation, listening, imagining, and meditation. just got it & its lovely.


- i have taken a major IG break; deleting it from my phone has been eye opening. when being offline becomes the default, so much becomes possible. #getintoit


- britchida is an artist whose creations capture the essence of things shifting. from ‘what i wanted to need’ v ‘what i need’ to intuition/trauma/wisdom, their art makes me move beyond ‘how do i feel?’ to ‘what is the texture, color, shape of this feeling?’ #godeeper


- all things Bad Bunny and Black Truck by Mereba have been my birthday month soundtrack so far. #embodyinbody



No matter what you are facing and how you are feeling, I know one thing is true:

You are worthy of a full, well and whole life.

May you be empowered all ways & always.


You ready to live a life based on what you deeply desire?

Let's shift into that together through my private one-on-one coaching.

free first discovery call - no strings attached.

sliding scale price based on privilege and financial status.

tap below to learn more.


thought of someone lovely while reading this?

share this love to a friend by forwarding this to them


**curious as to why I may have omitted capitalization? - lucille clifton inspired me.

"Standard English… is the language of conquest and domination; in the United States, it is the mask which hides the loss of so many tongues, all those sounds of diverse, native communities we will never hear...we create the ruptured, broken, unruly speech of the vernacular... There, in that location, we make English do what we want it to do. We take the oppressor’s language and turn it against itself. We make our words a counter-hegemonic speech, liberating ourselves in language.” - bell hooks taught me. & more here.
