Our response to a setback may vary depending on what it is that we haven’t been able to do and what else is going on in our life. A setback may give us the energy we need to keep trying or it may stifle us and make us want to forget our dreams altogether.
It’s very easy to brush off a setback as something that isn’t meant for us and keep going, but sometimes it is worth stopping to see how not getting what we want makes us feel. A strong negative reaction may be about more than just the setback. If you are unhappy in your job, not getting an interview for a new position may be more upsetting than if you are looking from a more positive place.
If we are clear on how we feel about a setback we are in a better place to re-look at our goals and check they are still what we want. Remember that it is ok to change your goals, if you have found the route to getting what you thought you wanted has caused you to think if you want it at all, that is ok.
If your goal is still what you want, then dealing with a setback is all about finding a new route. I love the analogy of a journey when thinking about our career goals as it can help us to see all the possible ways to get to our destination. Some setbacks are like a traffic jam, it might take a bit longer, but you can go on your original route if you just persevere. Other setbacks are more like a road closure and you have to take a diversion and find a new way to achieve your goal. Sometimes it is the car that breaks down and you need breakdown recovery to help you out, these are the setbacks that aren’t directly to do with our career but impact what we can achieve such as illness, financial restraints, caring responsibilities, life!