The Gut-Hormone 


by Level TEN Coach, Courtney Thomas



2,500 years ago, Hippocrates said:


 All disease begins in the gut”


It turns out, he knew what he was talking about …



The gut is the center of all the inner workings of the body.  It houses your microbiome, which is made up of ideally, mostly, healthy bacteria.  We have a group of necessary bacteria in our gut called the estrobolome.  This bacteria metabolizes and helps eliminate used estrogen from the body.  


Our gut needs to be healthy to properly remove not only waste from our body, but excess hormones as well.  When gut function isn’t working optimally and estrogen isn’t being eliminated through the bowels, it can be recirculated back into the body which can in turn lead to all those PMS symptoms that make you dread your monthly visitor.  We have to poop every day to remove the estrogen our body no longer needs. 


When our gut is healthy, we experience less inflammation, have better blood sugar regulation and we can extract necessary nutrients from food and supplements to support healthy hormonal balance.


Your gut may need a little TLC if you 

are suffering from:


-Frequent bloating and/or gas


-Frequent heartburn

-Food feeling like it’s sitting

 in your stomach or belching after eating


-Acne or other skin issues


-Chronic diarrhea or constipation - or both!


-Brain fog


-Frequent headaches


-Frequent illnesses - (do you catch every 

bug that’s going around?)


-Frequent yeast infections


-Depression and/or anxiety


-Chronic fatigue


-Difficulty losing weight


-Hormonal issues such as PMS, PCOS, 

irregular and/or heavy periods


When we heal our gut, we can heal our hormones.  



So, what exactly causes poor 

gut health anyway?  

Our microbiome is heavily influenced by our lifestyle and habits.  The food we eat, the products we use on our body (think lotion, hair care products, makeup, perfumes) and in our environment (cleaning products, laundry detergent, pesticide used on the foods we eat and toxins and heavy metals in our water), the medications we take that are either over the counter or prescribed for us and our alcohol consumption all help shape our gut microbiome for better or worse.  


Lifestyle factors such as sleep and stress also play a huge role in our digestion and gut health, which we now know has a downstream effect on our hormonal health. 


Good news … it’s not all doom and gloom! 


We can actively take steps to improve our gut health and in turn improve our hormonal health!  


Below are some helpful steps to start improving your 

gut health and in turn, your hormonal health.

1. Limit highly processed foods from your diet.  Foods that come in a package are often devoid of nutrients and fiber which help support a healthy gut microbiome.  Foods high in refined sugars and refined flours and carbohydrates fall into this category.  Removing gluten and dairy has also shown to improve inflammation in the gut and cut down on hormonal and gut issues in many people.  Now, while we LOVE the 80/20 rule here at Level TEN and don't believe in restricting any foods or food groups, we know that in some cases, the elimination and re-introduction of certain foods can be helpful to ones health status.


2. Eat balanced meals.  This means eating meals from whole food sources with a quality protein, nutrient dense veggies and carbohydrates and healthy fats.  Eating balanced meals throughout the day will help keep blood sugar levels balanced which reduces inflammation and stress on the body.  Not to mention eating a variety of vegetables and nutrient dense carbohydrates helps feed the healthy bacteria in your gut which means improved digestion and  hormonal balance.  


3. Level up your fat sources.  Start reading the ingredient labels on the foods you eat.  Try to limit refined fats and oils.  This includes oils such as partially hydrogenated oils, canola oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil or generic vegetable oils.  Instead, try to swap those out for oils like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, butter and ghee.  You can also add in healthy fats from sources such as avocados, nuts, seeds and wild caught salmon.  Do not fear fats! We need healthy fats for our hormonal health to function optimally!


4. Eat fermented foods.  There is no doubt adding in more fermented foods from sources such as kimchi, sauerkraut and kefir can improve your gut microbiome from natural probiotics.  Though, we may want to limit fermented sources such as yogurt and kombucha if/when their sugar content is a bit higher.


5. Swap some of your personal care and cleaning products.  Personal care products and cleaning products are a huge source of endocrine disruptors in our daily lives.  Your skin is the largest organ of your body! What goes on your skin, goes in your body.  


*Check out for ratings on your current products 

and to help you find better options.


6. Limit your dependence on over the counter painkillers such as Tylenol and Advil, and even antibiotics.  We're not saying you have to live in pain, but often the pain we are feeling, if chronic, are symptoms of dysfunction in the body.  Work with someone to help find the root cause and find alternatives to pain management.  Sometimes medications can be absolutely lifesaving and necessary but often, if we give our body a chance, it can work some things out on its own with proper nutrition and rest.  


7. Manage your stress!  This one is huge.  Prioritize at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep a night.  Do things that bring you joy weekly.  Work to keep your focus on what you can control and let the things you can’t control go.  Here at Level TEN we say “control your controllables”. Worrying about the un-controllables doesn’t change anything except your stress levels!  Incorporate journaling and meditation into your daily routine.  


8. Increase your intake of key micronutrients to help support healthy hormone metabolism and production.


- B12 and B6

- Magnesium

- Vitamin D

- Zinc

- Selenium

- Soil based probiotics 


*Keep in mind  - even the best quality diets can still leave us deficient in some of these key nutrients.  When adding in supplements, quality is important and you get what you pay for!  Aim to find high quality supplements from a reputable 

health care professional or company.   


As you can see, our body doesn’t just work in systems.  

Everything is connected.


we don’t fix our hormones by ONLY 

focusing  on our hormones


 It’s simple but not easy.  

Once you have a better understanding of how your body works, 

we can better support it to perform optimally




With brain gains and good vibes,


Coach Courtney &

The Level TEN Team
