The Weekly
I'm so glad you're here and look forward to connecting with you and sharing what God is teaching me each week. 


Epic Family,


Last week, I wrote about how God offers another voice for us in a world full of loud voices. For this week, I want to write about your voice. Here’s the big idea: Be the other voice. I heard someone at a conference link these two topics. They said the following: Eventually, the voice that you listen to will become the voice that you speak with.


God doesn’t only want you and me to hear what He’s saying to us. He also wants us to use our voices to bring life and truth to those around us. Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. There is power in our words and people need more than what our world is providing for them. Here are some practical ways you can be the other voice.


In a world full of so much discouragement, you can be the voice of encouragement. None of us can have too much encouragement. Who do you know who’s ready to give up on something? Reach out and use your words to encourage them. If your children are discouraged about distance learning, what words can you use to encourage them? If your friends are discouraged about their big plans being cancelled, how can you encourage them?


In a world crippled by anxiety, you can be the voice of peace. Don’t deny that circumstances are brutal right now, but share how you’ve discovered an internal reality that doesn’t have to match your external circumstances. 


In a world full of outrage and division, you can be the voice of unity. In our nation’s current environment, I’m convinced that our unity in Christ can really stand out. How can you be a unifying voice for people in our world? How can you help people find common ground, instead of being fixated on all that they disagree about?


In a world full of fear, you can be the voice of faith. It is easy to see what is, but it’s challenging to see what could be one day. I think there are times that God calls us to believe things for other people that they can’t yet believe for themselves. There are enough voices telling everyone what they can’t do or what isn’t possible. Who could you be a voice of faith for this week? 


About a month ago, God spoke this “be the other voice” phrase into my heart. I shared it with our staff team at Epic and knew I needed to share it with you. This is one of our greatest callings in this present season and I believe it’s one of the best ways to make a difference in the lives of people in our city. And please know that if you’re discouraged in this season, we want to be the other voice for you.


Much Love,

Pastor Ben

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