Well Wishes Wednesday



Sending all the wellness
from my home to yours!

Hey First name / friend,

I'm really excited for you to see this issue of Well Wishes Wednesday, because there are some goodies that I'm so excited to share. The goal of this is to help you feel good, supported, educated, and have a little beauty in your inbox once a week. If you have topics that you would like to learn about, just let me know and I will get them out in a later issue!


Meet a Member
Diffuser Corner
Podcast Episode Highlight: Sugar & the Switch Witch
Thinking Ahead Tip
This Month's Promo



Meet a Member

Meet Stephanie, a YL member and leader since 2015. She has quite the knowledge to share!

NAME: Stephanie Wolfe

JOB: Silver Leader with Young Living & Content Creator

MEMBER SINCE:  February 2015

FAVORITE STARTER KIT ITEM: Hands down Valor. It’s been amazing for me when I have anxious feelings!

OTHER FAVORITES: Thieves Hand Soap. It’s used probably the most out of any product in our home. Smells so good and foams so nicely.

WHAT I WANT TO TRY NEXT: The Beauty CBD. It sounds like an incredible product and I love trying new beauty products in general.

A TIP: If you like making certain diffuser blends but hate grabbing all the oils for it all the time, get an old 15 ml oil bottle and mix larger amounts of your favorite blend. Then when you need it, just shake out a few drops in your diffuser! We call this a diffuser bomb and it is life changing for saving time.

A STORY: One of the best things I ever did as an oiler was share about the products I was using. I wasn’t trying to “sell” to anyone- I just wanted people to know the products worked and they needed them too. I have met so many amazing people because I shared Young Living and I’ve changed the health of our family. If you haven’t branched out of the PSK I highly recommend it. You might change your life and love it just like we did.

CONTACT: Follow on Instagram @mathewsbambina



Diffuser Corner

Find more diffuser recipes in “the Essentials”




Thinking Ahead Tip

Now is the time to start thinking about what you will need for winter health. I recommend on making sure to have extra Super C Chewables, Super Vitamin D, NingXia Red, and Thieves Vitality on hand.

What is on your health list?



This Month's Promos

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Stay tuned… I have some giveaways in future emails!




The Oil Spot is the aromatherapy studio and gathering space for our events, private meet-ups, consultations, and sessions.  One Breath at a Thyme is part of the larger We Can Oil It community of Young Living users, members, educators, and leaders.
