Well Wishes Wednesday



(When the family photo shoot doesn't go as you thought… at least you have oils.)

Hey First name / friend,

I'm sending this without any knowledge of how the election turned out. But I think that it's fair to say that stress has felt a little unmanageable at times this year. So I wanted to fill today's Well Wishes Wednesday email with some of my favorite self-care ideas for you. Make sure to click around, because one of the links has something special for you! 

In this issue:
DIY Cuticle Oil Recipe
Meet a Member
Podcast Episode Highlight:  Top 5 Oils and Blends to Conquer Stress

Aromatherapy + Mindfulness card PDF download

Ten Stress Busters

Holiday Catalog
This Month's Promo



DIY Drop:


In an empty EO bottle, add 50 total drops of the carrier oil(s) of your choice + 10 drops of vitamin E oil + 10 drops of the essential oil of your choice


reverses skin aging, moisturizing, the secret trick to dry cuticles

no grease, helps nails to shine, grow, and stay strong


stimulates nail growth, locks in moisture, keeps skin glowing, turns back the hands of time (wrinkles)


reduces inflammation, relieves muscle pain and stress, battles hangnails

all-over usefulness for dryness, irritation, inflammation, and injury

 keeps oil levels balanced, prevents irritation, skin cleansing

Valor + Citrus Fresh (uplifting)
Lavender + Frankincense (hydrating)

Tea Tree + Lavender (soothing)



Meet a Member

Meet Maxine, a YL member since 2019 (and a pretty amazing chiropractor). 

NAME: Dr. Maxine Toro

JOB: Chiropractor at Omni Family Chiropractic in Richmond, VA

MEMBER SINCE:  November 2019

FAVORITE STARTER KIT ITEM: My favorite item in the starter kit is Thieves waterless hand sanitizer.

OTHER FAVORITES: My favorite item outside the kit is Christmas Spirit.

WHAT I WANT TO TRY NEXT: I am looking forward to try Longevity Vitality Oil.

A STORY: The other day, I was entering a grocery store and they wanted me to use their hand sanitizer. I kindly refused and pulled out the 1oz Thieves waterless hand sanitizer. I love it! It had a silky feel which is much better than the conventional ones that dry out my skin.

CONTACT: Follow on Instagram @doctormaxine




Aromatherapy + Mindfulness

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I created these sets of cards for a local business who was putting together a subscription box for preschoolers. But the activities are perfect for all ages! Pair them with your favorite oils, say the affirmation, and participate in the activity! If you want, you can even tune in to The Oil Spot Podcast to listen to me walk you through the mindfulness activity! Click here to download the full PDF.


Ten Stress Busters

  1. Grab your favorite happy essential oil, put a drop in your hands, cup them over your nose and mouth, and take 3 deep inhales. Allow yourself to focus on your stressors, as the oils and breath will help them melt away.
  2. Take 5 minutes, lie down on the floor, and put your legs up on a chair, couch, or up the wall. This is a wonderful reset while we are struggling with mood and emotions.
  3. Drink some water (with a drop of Lemon, Lime, or Citrus Fresh Vitality).
  4. Laugh. Even if it is forced at first, it will turn real and release endorphins into your body.
  5. Write three things you are grateful for. Unhappiness and stress cannot live in the same mind space as gratitude, so by forcing yourself to focus on the good, there isn't room for the bad.
  6. Savor each bite. As you eat your next meal or snack, really enjoy the flavors and textures. This is a super-simple mindfulness activity that will allow you to live in the moment.
  7. Turn off your screens. Just say no to your phone, computer, TV, or other screen device. Instead, go outside and enjoy nature (putting your bare feet in the grass if you can as an extra grounding activity). This is also a reminder to move your phones away from your bedside table.
  8. Up your supplements. You may specifically want to explore how vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin B, and cortisol play roles in your stress levels and management. Looking for a YL option? Check out Super Vitamin D, KidScents Unwind, MegaCal, Super B, and Cortistop.
  9. Move! Getting your heart rate up is good, but it's even more important just to live an active lifestyle. This may be through walking, yoga, picking up a new sport or hobby (our family started geocaching), or just playing on a playground. The important thing is to move your body.
  10. Connect with a loved one. Humans are special creatures in that we thrive both by being together and also independently. As much as I like my private time, my heart just feels full when I've spent time with someone I care about. If you need someone to talk to, I'm always a phone call away!


HOLIDAY ITEMS on sale the week of 11/9!

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This Month's Promos

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See a glimpse into our oily life on Instagram…


The Oil Spot is the aromatherapy studio and gathering space for our events, private meet-ups, consultations, and sessions. 
One Breath at a Thyme is part of the larger We Can Oil It community of Young Living users, members, educators, and leaders.
