




hello hello hello!


You've probably heard us talk a big game about starting an online newsletter… 

(perhaps even more than once?) 


Well- Gone are the days filled with empty threats of, “someday we'll start one…”


The day is here my friend– We're doing it.


We're starting our online newsletter.




We're so happy you're here!


Hi, First name / Friend!


You're receiving this email because at some point in the relatively near past you've either subscribed our mailing list, entered one of our drawing giveaways (maybe during a Mineral Point Gallery Night or Fall Art Tour) at Brewery Pottery or Johnston Gallery, or made a recent purchase from us (thanks you!).


We hope you'll want to stick around! We've been scheming quite a bit and we have lots of fun things planned for here and (gasp!) we're planning on starting a blog too! 


But for starters though, we want to say two things today–


•One: Officially announce that our website has gotten a major refresh and it's now ready for ONLINE SHOPPING! Yes, you read that right. Another thing we've been threatening to do for such a long time and we've done it. Shopping at the click of a button– From home. Safely and securely. Plus, free shipping over $100! Please, check it out and feel free to call us if you're looking for something that isn't listed. 


We're photographing and listing new items every day.


•Two: Announce that with your subscription to our online newsletter you're automatically entered into a pool for a prize drawing that will be awarded monthly. We'll be drawing at random, one subscriber, and giving away a mug to that lucky subscriber each month (continental US only).


First drawing at the end of November. Be sure to add us in your list of email contacts or move us into your primary email folder so you don't miss an email from us.


We won't go on and on today about all our many plans but suffice to say– we're excited, we hope you're excited, and you'll be hearing from us soon!


Looking forward to staying in touch,


Diana,Tom &  ClaiRe
