Every Day is a Chance to Celebrate


Gratitude is contagious.
Is yours worth catching?



Hey First name / friend,

Ok, so I know that that's not the actual saying, but I will say that the more that I practice acts and words of gratitude, the easier it becomes and the fewer grumpy moods I experience.

Because this week (and month) are all about reflection and being grateful for the gifts that we have, this will be a rather short email. But I hope that it is meaningful.

By the way, there is still some money left on the Starbucks gift card from last week's email, so time to go find it and enjoy a coffee or little snack on me!


Thank you for being part of my life!



In this issue:
How to find Gratitude with Essential Oils

Podcast Episode Highlight:  Mindfulness & Breath - Gratitude
Cranberry Sauce Recipe

Gift Tag Printable Freebie

This Month's Promo

Foundation Focus

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This week is a big one in reflection for my family. My birthday was Friday and my twins' celebrated their 7th birthday two days later. It's when we get to celebrate another orbit around the sun, and in our family, that usually means a lot of talk of gratitude.

Oh, and of course, there's Thanksgiving thrown in there.

Did you know that when you find room in your brain for gratitude, there just isn't room for negativity? It's true! Try it!

And then try one (or more) of these ideas.

Don't have one of the oils mentioned? Just message me back, and I can give you some other ideas of replacements!





Cranberry Sauce Recipe

No Thanksgiving feels complete without this recipe!


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Gift Tag Printable Freebie

Take this image, print, and cut out the tags you want to use. You can then attach them to the tops of your essential oil gifts for friends and family!

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This Month's Promos

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Foundation Focus

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The Young Living Foundation gives 100% of every single donation directly to the people and organizations it supports. 


The Young Living Foundation is working with several women-led businesses across the globe, and one of them is a female artisan group called Mabira Collective located in Lugazi, Uganda. One of the most effective ways to break cycles of poverty is to provide women and mothers with sustainable jobs and fair pay so they can provide for the health and educational needs of their children.


This partnership gave 752 women fair pay work.


In addition to fair pay, women in the Mabira Collective program receive benefits like school-fee sponsorship for their children and medical benefits as well as training in small business development, literacy, and health. They can also receive paid maternity leave, on-sight childcare, work from home options, and opportunities to advance into management positions.


Click here for more info and a video.

Are you rounding up your orders so that you can further help these efforts? Just a couple pennies from everyone adds up to millions to make real differences in lives around the world.



Please know how grateful I am that these drops of oils brought you into my life. I know that Social media can sometimes be anything but social, so let's connect in real life by emailing, chatting, doing a ZOOM call, a tea date, or some way to really connect!





instagram is kinda the thing


The Oil Spot is the aromatherapy studio and gathering space for our events, private meet-ups, consultations, and sessions. 
One Breath at a Thyme is part of the larger We Can Oil It community of Young Living users, members, educators, and leaders.
