Hi First name / friend!

I worked in a parking lot last week.


Yes, that’s where I drove to work because my beautiful office is currently occupied by Jax’s school situation. And I JUST needed to get out of the house.


(No, I'm being serious. Exhibit A.)

Image 1

Anyone else have days like that?


Look, I could have put off work until bedtime, but I didn’t want to miss out on time for myself. So I made it happen and crossed off items on my to do list while sitting in the front seat of my 4Runner.


I know your days are FULL right now, but I don’t want you to miss out on the crazy deal Beautycounter has right now.


→ Once a year-- literally, they won’t do it again-- they offer 15% on just about everything on the site + FREE Shipping on all orders of $50+. The deal is from now until November 29th.

So if you’re sittin’ in a parking lot working or staying up late taking care of all the things, then PLEASE make sure you’re also taking care of yourself.


And with this deal, I'm going to take my own advice. Here are a FEW items I've already re-ordered:


→ Countertime Radiant Skin Set

→ Countertime Eye Cream 

→ Dew Skin Moisturizer #2

Brow Gel

→ Lip Gloss


Not a day goes by that I don't use these products, so you better believe I'm stocking up. 


Xo, Emily

P.S. Already obsessed with the product and want to grow a business? Join as a Consultant for ONLY $20. Not joking. Hit reply and let me know!

P.P.S. The Holiday Sets are SELLING OUT, so hop on them stat!
