Challenge four:


Image item

Framing (or sub framing, as some call it) is one of my favorite compositional techniques because it easily guides the viewer to your subject and naturally creates layers of interest in your photo.


For this challenge you will look for elements in your environment to create a natural frame around your subject. Examples would be:

  1. Doorways and Windows
  2. Fence lines
  3. Trees and Foliage
  4. Other subjects (like the horse above!)

When framing your subject, try to get your subject mostly contained within the frame's opening. 


To learn more about framing, check out these links:

Sub-Framing: How to Incorporate it in Your Compositions

How to Use Framing in Photography to Create Powerful Images

Up your photography composition game with sub framing



“Good composition is like a suspension bridge - each line adds strength and takes none away.”

—Robert Henri


Once you have your image ready to upload, you 24 hours from now to head over to the Challenge Facebook page and upload ONE IMAGE to the Challenge 4: Framing Album


Happy creating!


ps. If your share your photo on social media, use the tag #riseupphotochallenge!
