It's a Winter Wonderland!


I don't know about you,

but I'm ready for some holiday cheer!

(By the way, this picture was taken at the Young Living Highland Flats Farm in Idaho where Idaho Grand Fir and other coniferous oils are harvested and distilled.)



Hey First name / friend,

I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel, starting on the last week of October, racing even faster towards the end of November when we celebrate 3 birthdays and Thanksgiving all in one week, and then culminating in Chanukkah and Christmas (our family celebrates Chanukkah in our home and we enjoy the Christmas festivities with my inlaws at their home).


This year, I normally have a half-wonder half-Scrooge-like attitude towards this time of year. I understand and love the joy and merriment about it, but as a mom it often feels so frantic - like I'm making memories for children that just want more and more and more. Am I the only one who feels that way?

Sorry, that was some mighty big truth serum I must have just taken, because I just let it out.


Anyway, I say all of this because this year, I have found a whole other way to appreciate this time of year. Maybe because we are homeschooling for the first time. Maybe because we are home all the time. Maybe because of all the Raindrops I've been able to give people recently (and it's put me in the best mood ever). This year, I've found the wonder and sparkle again, and I am choosing to end the year of toilet paper and pandemics with joy and peace.



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Natural Immunity 101


 We do not have to live in fear of what’s to come during sick season. We can educate and equip ourselves with the knowledge and tools we need to stay healthy this Winter, and using the Essential Oil Premium Starter Kit is a stellar place to start!


I will be teaching this with the amazing Silver Leader Robin Chenault TONIGHT (Thursday) at 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central. We never know if it will be recorded (because who knows what we will say on it?), so make sure to make it there for this quick 30 minute session!

Password: WCOI2020



Some Fun Diffuser Blends:

Pop these in the diffuser to help your home feel like the holidays!



Did you get your free coffee yet?

We still have a bit more remaining on this gift card from November! Go to Starbucks and get a coffee, on me!

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This Month's Promos

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Get Your Free Scan!

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Each month as a member with an active Subscribe to Save (Essential Rewards) account, you can get a free scan that tells you what your body needs. It's fascinating! This is a virtual scan that can be done in about 5 minutes, including setting up your free scan.

To learn more about these scans and how they work (believe me, I'm a skeptic, so it was shocking to see the initial results): CLICK HERE


To request your scan: CLICK HERE


If you are not an active Young Living monthly subscriber, that's ok! You can still get a scan with either a consultation or by itself!



Please know how grateful I am that these drops of oils brought you into my life. I know that Social media can sometimes be anything but social, so let's connect in real life by emailing, chatting, doing a ZOOM call, a tea date, or some way to really connect!





instagram is kinda the thing


The Oil Spot is the aromatherapy studio and gathering space for our events, private meet-ups, consultations, and sessions. 
One Breath at a Thyme is part of the larger We Can Oil It community of Young Living users, members, educators, and leaders.
