This business is amazing.


welcome to the biz



the opportunities are endless

So glad you’re here


Let me start off by saying that I am SO unbelievably excited for you. This community is absolutely amazing and the opportunity is endless.


What you need to succeed - your starter kit, having a BIG heart and being present on social. We help people better their lives and get paid for it. What a dream, right? The only requirement is to spend 100pv on your ER each month. Spending 100pv is ensuring that you are going to get paid for everyone who will build under you. The beauty of this business is that you can do this casually or fully dive in. It's whatever you want! We don't reprimand/judge/compare in this community, we build each other up! This is totally your business and you can run it however you like. If you want to casually sell a kit or two to pay a bill or two, tha'ts cool. If you want to make this your full time career, that's cool too! You get what you put into it. It's a beautiful thing. 


You do not need to know everything to share about your oils. I have been oiling for years and I still do not know everything nor will I ever! Just be genuine and be you because YOU are amazing. Let me know when you are ready to host your first class and I will be there!!! 



cheers to freedom

my blog

With so much love,

Cathy P.


young living brand ambassador
