Happy New Year!

new pots + winter wonderland + a mug giveaway



Hi, First name / friend!


A new year is here.


We wanted to say hello, wish you a happy new year, and introduce you to a few new things. 


First, NEW ON THE WEBSITE! Medium textured bowls are now live on the website. These are a crowd favorite around Brewery Pottery. We use them all the time. These were just unloaded from the kiln in our last firing and we're excited to have a bunch now photographed and listed on the website. 


They're the perfect size for a dinner side salad, yogurt and granola or oatmeal at breakfast, a thick soup, or even a giant portion of ice cream when you're having one of those days. 


But as always, sky's the limit for food uses. If it's on the menu, toss it in!


Next, we'd like share some photos from the most beautiful winter wonderland. For a few days last week, Mineral Point was blanketed in a sea of foggy and frosty goodness. When the fog broke, the sky was a brightly colored brilliant blue and the frost remained throughout the day. Truly breathtaking.


We couldn't stop running around the yard taking photos. Every place you looked was more picturesque than the last. It's hard to even narrow down the photos to share. Makes the cold temps feel worth the extra hassle for sure. 


And lastly, a photo of the mug we're giving away for the month of January. You could be the winner! Keep checking your email. Good luck! 


✨ Congrats to Frank from Mineral Point for winning the mug in December.

May it treat you well. ✨




January's giveaway features:


The Textured Mug


All textured mugs are handmade using various methods. We use a combination of texturally intriguing items like vintage lace, antique rolling pins, stamps, and wooden blocks, just to name a few. 


This mug's texture was created with vintage lace.

Be sure to add us in your list of email contacts or move us into your primary email folder so you don't miss an email from us. We draw and announce a winner at the end of each month.


wishing you good health and safe tidings for 2021,


Diana,Tom &  ClaiRe



We're so appreciative that you're here, following along with us on our journey and allowing us to talk to you directly in your inbox. But as always, the choice is yours.