Visions of Sugarplums

Christmas Past

   Remember when we were kids and we waited for Christmas with imagination and awe? I remember huddling by the window with my siblings, before we climbed into bed, trying to see Santa and his sleigh flying across the sky. 

   My mom, who loved Christmas, would always read “The Night Before Christmas” actually I think she had it memorized and just turned the pages for us. There were 8 of us kids, wide-eyed and excited sitting on the floor as she told the tale. 

   We didn't know memories were being made or how crucial those times were in shaping how we saw the world. None of us realized then how important traditions were or that the time spent with family and the people you love would someday become your greatest gifts and treasures. 

   This Christmas more than ever we need to make those memories and keep those traditions alive!

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Has your focus turned to others, buying gifts and planning the celebrations for this blessed time of year? This year sure is different! The little personal things do matter most of all! Gardenhouse Studio is a very small business- most of the time only one person but at the most 3 people work here! 

 thank you for your business and your support   As we move forward into 2021, We are here ready to serve your DIY needs. And… If you are still looking for nice, inexpensive, quality, practical gifts, here are a few we have found to fit the bill.

My Favorites

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a gift for you

Buy a Gift card for $100 and Get

 a $20 gift card absolutely free!

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Looking ahead

Launching January 15, 2021


“Gardenhouse Studio Core Learning” 

 Subscription Based- Online

1.Upholstery  2.Furniture Repair  3.Furniture Construction  4.Refinishing Furniture   5.Custom Home Decor  6.Adding Embellishments 7.Using Power Tools

How and Where

* 4 - 1hour teachings per month-one bonus class

* Lives will be on Facebook or Zoom 

* Password protected website 

* 6 month commitment - reduced rate $30 / month

* Registration opens Dec.15th- closes- Jan.14th 

Interested?  Sign up? need more info?

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goodbye 2020! Looking forward with hope and anticipation as the calendar page turns to 2021!


May You Have a Healthy and Blessed

 Holiday Season and a Happy New Year!

All our Best to you and Yours!

Wayne and Peggy

more from the 'gram
