With the first day of winter just around the corner on Monday, December 21st, I'm continuing to do what I have been working towards all fall in our hives: building feed stores. I have internal feeders which we keep filled with a 2:1 sugar syrup. Right now, when I inspect a hive I'm looking for about a volleyball size amount of bees. Any less than that, and there is a good chance that hive won't make it through the winter. When I see a weak hive, I'm either combining it with another stronger hive or giving it a lot of attention such as another frame of bees, a pollen patty, and an entrance reducer.
We have also been organizing equipment and placing orders for supplies we will need in anticipation of our spring season. We are excited about the new Nuc boxes we will be trying this spring from Mann Lake. They have a locking lid, feed ports, great ventilation, a closable entrance and are made from recycled plastic.
Now's the time to consider your hive needs for spring 2021. From now until December 27th, we are offering a special Holiday Sale with 15% Off our Entire Shop including our Over-Wintered Nucs, 2021 Nucleus Hives, Italian Bee Packages, and our Wildflower and Sourwood Honey.