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Claude Lawrence’s first efforts as an artist were as 
a jazz musician. Certainly, this is where he mastered 
improvisation as art. As a painter, Claude is self-taught. He has said his paintings “are based on harmony and come 
straight from the self-conscious”.

"Improvisation, to me, is the channeling of subconscious influences. Consciously, I’m satisfied when I have gone beyond the obvious; for example, the visual and intellectual, to the sensual, 
which I believe is energy, lyricism, and balance.”

In this work, the colors dance around with abandon. 
Reds and blues crowd the floor. Although this work 
dates from 2002 and is titled, Current Affairs
the title and energy of the piece seem appropriate for today.

This year we have all learned to improvise. 

Our old routines are gone, and we’ve found new rhythms. 
At this time of the year, as so many traditions are now different, it’s more important than ever to see that 
the spirit of the Season always remains. 


Claude Lawrence, Current Affairs, 2002


