The Good Letter

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“Trust in the LORD completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. 

With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go. 

Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore Him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong. Then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for.” 

Proverbs 3:5-8 (The Passion Translation)


Dear First name / friend


Happy New Year! How are you doing?


The last time I wrote you was in October - since then I travelled home to see my family, to rest and talk to God. It's not that I didn't want to send you a letter, it's just that I needed this time off to be present, enjoying the good gifts God has given me; from the cold crisp UK air touching my sun-kissed face, to watching episodes of Moesha with my brothers *90s bop*, these moments were necessary and priceless.


Being in the moment is what God required of me and I concluded that I cannot spend my life presently living in the past, neither can I live presently anticipating my life in the future, instead God encouraged me to take it one day at a time and to commit it all into His hands. I have found that the more I do so, the more I enjoy each day He blesses me with and for me this is rest, this is peace.


During my time off I asked God for what He'd like me to write in this letter to you, and He said “Pray” - so let's do that, let us pray.


Dear LORD,


Thank You for being our God - The One who loves us without condition.


Thank You for Your mercy and grace towards us, because without them where will we be? Thank You for always hearing us and for speaking to us.


We thank You for Your forgiveness, forgiving the sins we've committed knowingly and unknowingly - LORD we apologise and I pray that we choose to put Your will above our own. Thank You because even as You correct us, You do so in righteousness and in love.


LORD, I pray for First name / my friend

A new year, a new month, a new day, a new hour, a new minute, all are opportunities to get to know You more.


I pray that You will speak to and guide First name / my friend in this thing called life. 2020 presented its challenges, yet blessings were experienced. I pray First name / my friend and I will not dismiss the goodness You've shown us because of how 2020 started, continued and ended, instead we will look to You with hope, joy, faith and love for the days ahead You've prepared for us.


I pray that we will choose Your truth.

I pray that we will be excited to know You for ourselves.

I pray that we will we be determined to have You lead us.

I pray that we will never leave Your presence, instead we'll be found at Your feet, delighting in Your beauty and in the comfort that comes from Your promises to us.


Goals, achievements, plans and everything in-between - LORD, we commit them into Your hands. Let us not be so consumed by these things that we forget to involve You in our daily lives. Keep us focused and ultimately, let the desires You have for First name / my friend and I, be the desires we have for ourselves. Let our hearts be a reflection of Yours.


Let Your love radiate through us to those around us.

Let our friendship with You be obvious.

Let us want to know You and share Your truth with others.


Keep and bless us for Your glory.


In Jesus' Name,



Remember First name / friend, one day at time. 


Let your love for God be your reason and motivation in this new year.




Olayide M.


P.S. With the same energy you sent those “Happy New Year” text messages, feel free to encourage a loved one by forwarding this letter to them. 🥳


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