Before we jump into next week's study, we want to invite you to join us for our annual “I AM because HE IS” week! Don't miss the FREE downloads at the end ;)


Wow!! I am SO humbled by the number of you that replied to our last email expressing how your heart needed those words!


I'm comforted to know that I'm not the only one anticipating the change, progression, and fresh new beginning that the New Year will bring—not by the turning of the calendar alone—but by the choices we make, the new habits we form, and the words we say.


It is by the simple daily practices and language we use that we will create the year we are ALL looking forward to. And this week, we are practicing together, through affirmations.


You already have what it takes, your God-given potential is already within you, and you have always been Their most magnificent creation—we just need to remind ourselves.

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If you haven't already, begin by reading The Great I Am by Brooke Snow. A short article from our winter issue that helps us understand what an affirmation is, the sacred nature of the words “I AM”, and the creative power they hold in our lives.

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After you soak in the beauty and power of Brooke's words and the power of affirmations, be prayerful, and ponder about what truths you will focus on. What do you hope to become or feel more of this year? Now turn that into an affirmation to remind you, even if you may not feel it yet, that it is ALREADY within you.


If you're not sure where to start, perhaps some of our weekly affirmations from our general conference study might resonate with you!

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Let's take it a step further—write your affirmation (or affirmations) down, and leave them somewhere you will see often. Don't worry, we have a FREE DOWNLOAD for you if you aren't sure where to write them! OR write them on the page provided with Brooke's article!

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And finally, share them. But keep in mind, this doesn't have to mean online, sharing and expressing your affirmation(s) can look different for everyone. Say them to yourself, everyday, perhaps out loud. Share them with your spouse or roommate so they can support you in your journey! And if you do choose to share them online, use the template below to share on IG! We'd love to cheer you on, so be sure to tag @work.and.wonder if you do!

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