*If you can’t do the exercises from this email now, then don’t forget to pick a time when are going to do it and add this email to your calendar
Giving yourself a fresh start in your career isn’t about throwing away all that has gone before, but rather looking at all the positive things you have and want to keep and swapping the things that aren’t working for new ideas. Sometimes the changes will be small, a shift in mindset towards a difficult colleague or clearer work/life boundaries, and other times they will be huge, such as going for a promotion or changing sectors.
To give yourself a fresh start in your career ask yourself…
What is working well for me that I want to keep doing?
What is no longer serving me that I need to let go of?
What new things do I want to bring into my work?
Write your answers down in your journal and spend some time thinking about what your fresh start looks like.