
Weekly Newsletter

January 2020 vol. 2



When Snow Falls,

Nature Listens

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Snowfall in Central Texas happens every few years, but it rarely lives up to the forecasts we read online. Most years, if you’re lucky, we get a dusting that lingers on the ground for a few hours and then quickly melts. All in all, winters here are moderate, but every once in a while, we are gifted with the real deal. Today was one of those days, and the livestock is just as shocked as we are. Stepping outside, what I noticed first was the silence, then I was awed by the sheer size of the flakes drifting down and blanketing the fields and trees. The chickens are sheltering in the hay barn, the cows are clustered under trees, and the dogs are digging trenches in the snow with their noses as they explore the new landscape with me. John and the cats are napping inside, and all is at peace on the ranch. The snowfall feels like a gift, a cleansing of sorts, a harbinger of better days ahead. 




To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand in the cold. 

Princess and Harley enjoying our walk in the snow. 

Winter is a time for reflection - looking at the year past and preparing for the spring ahead. Having taken stock of 2020, I can only look back with satisfaction.  I know this is in stark contrast to what many have gone through, but we took the opportunity presented and made the best of it.  Though I remind myself that I could have done more, all-in-all things moved forward at a brisk pace.  Though it is said that a farmer is slave to the land, thanks to you, we have been able to enjoy the liberty of country living. We’ve got several things in the works for 2021.  I look forward to our journey together.


- John


“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, “Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.” – Lewis Carroll 

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Pre-order only

PRE-ORDER ONLY Tuesday 4:30 - 5:30 pm. 


The regular market is closed - pre-order for pick up only. 


400 Immanuel Rd, Pflugerville, TX 78660

The Pflugerville Pfarmers Market will close for the year after Tuesday, Dec. 15th and not reopen until March 2021. Pre-order delivery will be available during the weeks the market is closed. 



The Elgin Farmers Market is a year-round market that will remain open every Thursday. Pre-orders are encouraged. 




The Taylor Farmers Market is a year-round market that will is open every Saturday. Pre-orders are encouraged. 

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Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
