Welcome, friend

So excited to WELCOME you HERe


Dear First name / friend,

If you are reading this email right now that means you have signed up to my newsletter. Thank you! I am so glad that you're interested in hearing from me and can't wait to share with you here. This my very first one so I am pretty excited. You’ll be receiving occasional newsletters from me. 


In this newsletter, I would like to share with you my 2 highlights:


1. My new blog post is live!


Fresh from the oven. I love to share about babywearing in my childbirth education classes because I really believe in the benefits. That's one of the reasons I have become a ClauWi Babywearing Newborn Consultant. We as ClauWi Consultants, are currently working on a website in which you'll be able to find articles, videos and podcasts about babywearing. Unfortunately the site is in Turkish so I am going to put my sections in my blog in English. For this post, I have influenced from my video that I took for that page and created this article. I wanted to share with you some tips to ease your way through your babywearing journey. I hope you will find it beneficial. If you have any questions after reading the post, hit reply and ask me!

2. Birth support around the world during the pandemic


Close to the end of last year, I have become an EDN (European Doula Network) Friend and they held an online conference in October. In the very first session, all the countries that were live in the conference told about the situation about birth support in their region. I could see that we all as doulas are having a hard time around the world because of the pandemic. We were and still are not allowed in labor rooms in most of the hospitals. Not only doulas but also dads were not allowed as well. Unfortunately that means that mothers were left alone during labor and birth. If you are one of those mamas, I want you to know that I really admire your courage and strength. 


WHO and ACOG claims that a woman should be given support during labor and birth in any condition but that wasn't what happened in reality. Here in Turkey, some of the hospitals allowed both doula and the father if the doctor of the family had approved. Anyhow, we found a way to support mothers before birth and to give virtual support during labor. Things have started to change now because of families' responds to this situation and hopefully, thinks will be better in 2021.





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