What brought you to Yahel?
Simply put, when I thought about how to combine my strong Jewish identity, commitment to furthering social change, and intellectual interest in the Middle East, I knew I had to apply to Yahel!
What is something new you learned about Israel or Israeli society?
I love language learning, and I love listening to how Arabic and Hebrew words permeate conversations in the other language. I had never in my life said b'seder in Arabic class, but I hear it every day at the Arabic-language high school where I teach English!
Describe a meaningful moment from the fellowship so far.
I asked my English students to describe the customs of a holiday that they do not celebrate, and one talked about Christmas. I mentioned that I would love to visit some Christian sites in Nazareth while I am here. His immediate response: "Come! I'll take you!"
In one sentence describe your vision for social change work.
I think social change requires simultaneous work on a few levels, which requires all of us to contribute where we best can: people-to-people trust-building and consciousness-raising; direct action/activism; advocacy; philanthropy; and political/policy change.
Who is an inspiring social change role model for you?
My Lod city coordinator Tamara Roitman is an inspiring social change role model for me -- she's somehow managing to pursue change through education, political organizing, and coordination of our dozens of placements all at once! A true superwoman!