Celebrating our ZC Community with Health & Wellness updates!
January 2021
Dr. Miaken Zeigler


Happy New Year! 
At Zeigler Chiropractic, we are starting our year off with gratitude in mind. In fact, gratitude is the theme of our first expansion cycle as we look to expand our health community. And let’s be real… there’s never been a greater time and need for both health and community. Hope, optimism, joy and connection are missing for many… perhaps they are ready to hear a different message that chiropractic can offer. 
Will you help us?

This month, our blog covers some promising research showing how specific nutrition can combat COVID. What’s even better… it’s foods you can start utilizing in your kitchen today! And we want to have some fun! With these foods in mind, we’d love for you to share your favorite recipes – recipes we would love to share in our future newsletters! 

Coming back from maternity leave has been both a challenge and blessing. A challenge to leave Margot, and a blessing to be back at ZC. There have been mornings I’ve cried on my drive to the office (Moms, I know you get me!) And then, you showed up for your chiropractic adjustment – and uplifted me! I am grateful for our community. 

As we start the year, I look forward to building health together.

We love & appreciate you!

Dr. Miaken


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