*If you can’t do the exercises from this email now, then don’t forget to pick a time when you are going to do them and add this email to your calendar
Consistently making time to prioritise your development means figuring out what works best for you. There isn’t an ideal timetable to follow or way of being consistent that I can teach you, but if you can work out what it looks like for you, then you will be creating the conditions to continually work on your career. To help you to figure out what consistently working on your development looks like think about the following questions:
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being never and 10 being like clockwork, how consistently do you make time to work on your personal development?
Where would you like to be on that scale?
When do you consistently show up for something in your work?
What have you put in place to do that?
What gets in the way of you consistently showing up to work on your development?
Write your answers down in your journal and spend some time thinking about what consistently making time for working on your career would look like.